38: Where he belongs.

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I dedicate this chapter to @hadixa27 @_meenarh_dee @bint_khidr @hemmylicious @hawiedonerh @hindu_lagaco @fatum2434 @Tweenies_ @jamilahussaini for the votes and lovely comments❤ Thank you💖

Ammar's P.O.V
My heart felt heavy as I continously read Fatima's reply to my message over and over again.

Ammar I am happy for you. May Allah bless your union. Go Ammu, go give Anisa a reason to live.

Is this really the end for Fatima and I? If it is, will I be able to let her go?

The knock on my door brought me out of my reverie.

Yes. *I spoke almost inaudibly.

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands *Claps hands*
If you're happy and you know and you really want to show, that you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. *Claps hands*
Congratulations honey. *Mom squeaked making me smile at her little drama.

Thank you mom.

Freshen up my dear. Let's go out on a date.

I will be out in 5 minutes. *I uttered on my way to the bathroom. It was an opportunity I wouldn't want to miss. I would trade everything I have to spend time with mom.

We watched movie at the cinema, did some shopping, photo shoots, and the last most interesting part of the date was the picnic. Mom personally did the cooking. The taste was heavenly. After we were done with the food, I laid my head on Mom's thigh as she gently caressed my hair.

I met her. *Mom uttered softly.

Anisa? *I asked with closed eyes.


I immediately opened my eyes and stared at mom with a puzzled expression.

I know about everything honey. Starting from the day you took her to the hospital, the trip, I know all about you two.

Mom kept mum for a while and I was dumbfounded.

'Ammar is only using you' I won't ask why you sent those messages to her Ammar because I know you had your reasons.

Tears came rushing down my face before mom could speak any further.

I sent them to end us mom. To end what we felt for each other. She loves me just as much as I love her mom. I know she does. But mom, your son is a monster,a traitor, a cheat, how could I fall in love with someone else when I already have Anisa. How could I?

Shhh, it's okay Ammu. It's okay. *Mom hugged me while I let the tears flow, wetting her shoulder.

We stayed like that for about twenty minutes or more before I pulled away. Mom then used her thumb to wipe away my tears and gripped both my hands with hers.

Ammu my dear, it's okay to fall in love and it's still okay to fall out of love. We cannot control what we feel but we can choose what to do with those feelings. One thing is for sure, true love rekindles when you spend time together. No matter how much I want you to be with Fatima, I can't ignore the love Anisa and her family showered on you. Ammu honey, the choice is yours, you either let go of Fatima and watch as your love for Anisa rekindles or you let go of the poor girl that lives for you. Either way, I promise to respect your decision.

I closed my eyes and thought of all the days Maa and Paa punished Anisa for hurting my feelings, the days Anisa will pack lunchboxes and wait for me for hours in front of my lecture hall to make sure I ate, the days Maa had sleepless nights just watching me over because I am sick, the days Paa will skip work just to make sure I had fun because it's my birthday, the days Anisa will stand up for me because the white kids kept bullying me for not having a friend. All the little moments that meant the world to me.

This is not right mom, being friends with Fatima is something that shouldn't have happened. It's only Anisa, it must always be her.

Go son, go and tell her how much you love her. Tell her to marry you because she is the love of your life, tell her to marry you because your world revolves around her. Tell her how blessed you are to have her. Tell her how happy you are that even among the trillions of people on earth, she still chose you. Go Ammu, go.

And at that moment, I felt it. The courage and the zeal to make her mine. She is still the same Anisa that spilled slush on me fifteen years back, the same Anisa that made butterflies flutter in my tummy, the same Anisa that showed me that there is more to life than just living in luxury, the same Anisa that shared her parents with me. I am Ammar, her slush dadu.

I parked my car and hastened into the house that sheltered my future wife. There were maids all around the house doing one thing or the other. They all greeted as I walked past them.

Ma'am is in the garden. *One of the maids informed.

I nodded, silently ambulating out to the garden where Anisa sat on her wheelchair admiring the flowers around the garden. I expressed for the maid that was sitting with her to leave moving her attention back to me.

And my slush dadu is here. *Anisa grinned and I fell on my knees sucking the life out of her.

I am sorry Anisa, I am sorry for all I did and all I might do in the future. You mean the world to me and I love you to the square of infinity. I feel blessed that even among billions of men on planet earth, you still chose me.

How can I choose anyone but you Ammar, how can I when you are Maa and Paa in disguise. *She uttered turning on her waterworks.

For the first time in her life, she called me Ammar. This is the first and maybe the last.

3 weeks later,
How does it taste? Good huh? *I asked feeding Anisa my homemade pizza.

It's amazing, you should trust your culinary skills by now dadu.

I am okay since Fatima trusts her husband's skills. *I smiled.

The name is Anisa. *Anisa uttered sucking the life out of me.

This is the 20th time in just three weeks that I called her Fatima instead of Anisa. I stayed away from Fatima for all these days but that didn't mean I forgot about her. These past three weeks were nothing but torture, fake smiles covering a bleeding heart.

Hey, what are you thinking of. I kinda have a surprise for you. *Anisa spoke bringing out of my reverie.


Come in. *She ushered in only God knows who.

And the very moment she called the person in, I had a feeling that trouble was knocking at our door.

End of chapter.

Assalamu alaikum. Hello beautiful people💖 How are you and your lives? And the Holy Month? Ramadan mubarak to all the muslims💙 May Allah accept all our ibadats🙇

So how was the chappie? Amazing? Annoying? Boring? Emotional?

Well, well, I kinda smell an ending for Rays of love😷 But what to do, everything that has a beginning must have an end, right?

So let's make a deal, I get a rapid increase in views and I speed up updating the few more chappies left. What do you think?😂
Fair right?

'And they lived happily ever after' isn't that the ending of all fairytales? Who wants to know whether ROL will have that 'happily ever after' ending.
Me🙋 Alright, stay tuned💙

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Teemah Shawai❤

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