36: Reasons why.

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I dedicate this chapter to @Aysha0517 and @Msscalm for the votes and amazing comments❤ Thank you darlings💟

15 years back⏪
Ammar's P.O.V
The wintry winter cold howled through the busy streets of London, which was covered with fluffy snow that was like an untouched blanket. I could feel the air being heavy as my lungs were filled with sharp cold and frost each time I breathed in. The bleak grey clouds overhead reflected my gloomy mood perfectly.

I gulped down the hot chocolate on my birthday dinner table to warm up my body. The cafe dad rented for the whole night to celebrate my 10th birthday was well decorated in my favorite sky blue and beige colour. It was a day I have been anticipating for because mom promised to make it to the dinner. My mind erred like a lost wanderer as I waited for her arrival.

To others, a mother is someone that gave birth to you, feeds you, baths you, sing lullabies to lull you to sleep, she is a human diary, a counsellor, a critic, a pillar that helps you stand and above all, she is bestfriend. A father is a role model, a man that gives you piggy back rides, he takes you shopping, eats with you, is always there to listen to you and give you his heart-warming words of advice and above all a man that will proudly call you his son when you do well in school.

To me, all those were mere definitions of parents. They were illusions, daydreams and fantasies. To me, parents are people that gave birth to you and shower you with money and gifts. I get things I want and those I don't, in just a blink of an eye. I can only be with my parents once in a month. From the moment I was born, I wasn't a normal son like all others. I was treated as the heir of Shashi groups. Living in London since I was 2 years, I had no single friend but myself and my luxury life.

Sire. *My escort called bringing me out of my reverie.

A call from madame. *He passed over the phone to me.

Mom, where are you? Why aren't you coming in?

Honey, I am so sorry I can't make it. The CEO of Shawai Enterprises just called to sign a contract with Shashi groups. We can't afford to lose that contract son.

I knew it, you both will always prioritize the company over me. *I hung the call without waiting for reply and zoomed out of the cafe.

It was a walking distance from the cafe to my house, so I ran back without waiting for my escorts. In a blink, I bumped into a pretty little girl who was probably not more than 5 years.

My shlush. *She pouted pointing at her slush that was half on my white shirt and half mixed up with the snow on the street.

Like who the hell takes slush in this chilly weather.

Shooo *I shooed her away and she began to hit me with her little hand.

My shlush. *She sobbed.

God, what have I gotten myself into.

Anisa my dear, what are you doing out in the cold? *A young lady asked as she made her way out of the house next to mine.

Nothing Maa. *The little Anisa answered.

Oh my Allah, Anisa you didn't take the slush in the fridge, did you? *Her Maa asked looking at my stained shirt and Anisa hid behind me shaking her head.

You are so gonna get it from me tonight. I'm sorry son, come with me, let's get you freshened up.

No, I am fine. My house is over here.

Please don't say no. Don't say no to your new neighbor.

Okay. *I said blankly and I trailed after them while the Maa pulled the daughter's ear.

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