14: Moments at love garden.

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Fatima's P.O.V
The assignment is done, I will have it printed out tomorrow and one of you will take it with you. *Ammar informed.

Fatima will take it. *Safina blurted.

Why will she want me to take it? She likes Ammar and will do anything to be with him, and this is an oppurtunity to do so. Why me?

Whatever her reason might be, just make sure you don't get caught in her traps. My subconscious mind spoke.

Tomorrow, 5pm, love garden.*Ammar uttered prissily.
I hate waiting. *He added.

Sunday 4:00pm
Ya Allah, Fatima what the potatoes are you doing there? You have been trying different outfits for the past 1 hour. *Yesmeen yakked.

I can't find anything to wear.*I pouted.

All those gazillions of clothes and you still can't find anything to wear? *Yesmeen rolled her eyes.

You either help me choose or you shut that mouth. *I glared.

Ok, wear this. *She said bringing out my red pencil gown, pairing it with a black kimono and a red veil.

Hey beautiful, you need to see yourself right now. But wait, why are you trying so hard on your looks today? *Yesmeen shot me a dubious stare after I wore the clothes.

Yesmeeeyyy, please don't start asking those endless questions of yours. I don't want to be late. See yah. *I uttered proceeding to the exit.

But deep down I know yesmeen is right. Why am I trying my best to look good? Why am I eager to see Ammar? Why? I thought.

5:00pm Love garden
The cool breeze that blew both my veil and kimono as I stood by one of the water fountains in the garden brought a smile to my face. Stretching out my arms and closing my eyes to feel the wind, my veil took off, revealing my silky long hair.

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Ammar's P

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Ammar's P.O.V
I watched her as she stood by the water fountain, feeling the cool breeze that was blowing her clothes. She is a queen, her beauty outshines every other woman but one. For a moment, just for a moment I saw Anisa in her. Bringing out my phone, I captured that face, that human and that moment.

The wind abrupty took off her veil and in a flash, the goddess of beauty ran after it with a smile plastered on her lips and her hand stretched out. Forgetting who I was, I captured the moment some more. She was too pretty to be ignored.

Call it coincidence or fate, but the veil ended up on my face. Removing it from my face, I kept staring at her. She was panting and pointing a finger on the veil in my hand.

My....my scarve please. *She uttered amidst pants and I kept staring without a word.

Scarve *She blurted again pointing at the veil.

Uhmm...sorry *I awkwardly passed the scarve.

She veiled her hair before shifting her gaze back to me who was still staring at her speechless.

Are you not here to give me the assignment. *She finally broke the silence and I passed the assignment to her.

Take care. *I paused, still staring at her.
Of the assignment. *I added.

I will. *She nodded and I twirled around to walk away.

About yesterday. *She said and I halted.
Thank you! *She smiled.

Don't get the wrong idea. I didn't do it for you, I just can't stand people that maltreat others for no reason. *I uttered then ambulated away without giving her the opportunity to speak.

Fatima's P.O.V
I felt bad but not angry. Ammar claiming he didn't fire back at Safina because of me was something my heart won't ever believe. We were not really in good terms, but he did it for me. 'He stood up for me' was something I believed in.

Aslam called me later that night and we talked about everything and nothing. I noticed how Yesmeen's mood suddenly changed from bright to blank. I still can't figure out what her problem is with Aslam. She is always deny knowing him when I ask.

Yesmeen's P.O.V
I always try my best not to get emotional when Fatima is talking with Aslam or about Aslam. But my efforts are still futile. Fatima kept noticing my mood swing when she talks of Aslam or with Aslam.

I keep telling myself that I am over him. I have moved on. I don't want him but my heart speaks the opposite.

I am so not over Aslam. I am still stuck in my past. I want Aslam. I so much want him. It has always being Aslam and it will always be him.

10:20am Monday.
Fatima's P.O.V
I need all your assignments, right now. *The lecturer informed.

My assignment that was just few minutes back in my bag, dissapeared all of a sudden. I searched my bag, my locker, the floor, everywhere, infact I even searched for it in my shoes but it was nowhere to be found.

Glancing at Ammar, I saw him shooting me that You'are-so-dead-if-you-lost-it look.

Have you all submitted? Remember, submission is now or never. *The lecturer added.

I could here the rumbling sound my stomach was making, not because I was hungry but because I was scared. What should I do? How do I tell Ammar? How did I lose it? Where? When?

No Mrs Kinsley, we are yet to submit. *Safina uttered sending me a death glare.

What are you looking for? *Aslam asked.

Our assignment, I can't find it. I was sure it was in my bag until now.

You can't what? You are not trying to say you lost the assignment, are you? *Ammar cut in.

End of Chapter.

Hello everyone, how did you find Fatima and Ammar's encounter in Love garden. Sweet or not?

It seems Fatima lost their assignment. But how? Where? When?
Submission of assignment is now or never, will Ammar's group find theirs? If yes, How and Where?
Find out in Rays of love.

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Oodles of love😘
Teemah Shawai❣

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