chapter three

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I knew both of them wanted answers by the the concerned stares I was getting .
But I could think about nothing except trying to reconnect with her. Had she been a vamp her powers added to mine would have made a unbreakable connection . But the moment she passed out the connection broke. Leaving me empty and full of rage.
A human... My missing piece was human.
I had been waiting for two hundred and twenty-six years for her. Normally vampires were born in two halves, each only having half a soul. There was always a male and a female vampire born only for each other.
It was completely unheard of in our race to have a human counter part.
Not to mention against the law.
But I was pretty sure the law didn't cover this, seeing that our highest orders were to insure no one ever interfered with a reconnecting. Love had a part in it. But to finally have your soul whole again..
That went beyond anything, and a word such as love could not cover it.

I needed help, because I was pretty damn sure I wasn't just going to close my eyes and let the connection tell me where I needed to flash too. Because right now there was no fucking connection...

I grabbed a beer from the mini bar and turned to face my bothers in arms.
Blurting out that my reconnecting just happened.
"That's all?" Jared said slapping me on the back and laughing.
"What did you feel is the mother vamps labor pain or something," John said being a smartass.
"No damn it. She's human," I said barring my teeth, "and right now someone's hurting her."
Two sets of eyes stared at me in shock.
Jared was the first one to recover.
"What are you still doing here?" he said.
"Why aren't you out there killing whoever's hurting her and bring her home?"
Feeling drained I sat down on the sofa and dropped my head into my hands. "I lost the connection when she passed out from the pain." My voice cracked letting the other two men see the grief that was consuming me from losing my connection to her.
No matter how brief, my soul now mourned for losing its other half.
John walk out of the room leaving Jared standing over me. "I - " he began and then he closed his mouth clearly not knowing what to say.

John came back into the room carrying everyone's duffle bags and dropped them at my feet.
Lifting my head I looked up at him.
There was a big smile on his face and a look in his eyes I normally would only see before a big battle. I looked up at him in complete confusion. With a laugh John put his hand on my shoulder.
Looking down at me John said, "when your girl wakes up and the connection is back, I don't care how much pain comes with it, close your damn eyes and flash us there," he said. "Because someone is going to pay for hurting your gal."

Author note

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