chapter thirteen

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I turned on the shower letting the water run over my hand.... within seconds the water was steaming....
I smiled to myself.. hot water.
I hadn't had a hot shower in years...
We always had the little kids go first at the orphanage.. But nine times out of ten even they didnt get hot water...
My guess was the gas bill was never paid. Seeing as how there was no heat either.

I quickly grab one of the biggest towels I've ever seen from the cabinet...
Then step under the spray of hot water...

I smiled to mysef as I made my way back to the kitchen.....
I could feel her joy over something as simple as a hot shower ....
I made a vow to myself that she would never want for the simple things in life again..

John and Jared started Bombardiering me with questions the second I step back into the kitchen....

How much of her blood did you need to take?
Did you have to feed it all back to her ?
How many times did it take before you where both healed ?..
I held my hands up...
Hold on boy's........ one question at a time.
They both tried to speak again at the same time....

I went to the fridge and grabbed out three beers ...
Sit I said handing each a beer...


I had to take only a little of her blood blood that was it...
They waited for me to go on.....
Shit they wasn't going to let me off easy...
I took a big drink of my beer and set it on the counter.
I had talked to theses two about everything that happened in my life..
But standing in my own kitchen and telling them about what happened between star and I...

Come on man...... some of the legend had to be true, judging by the fact star's walking around completely healed.... Jared grumbled.

After you left , I was still fighting against taking her blood...
She more or less ordered me too..
I pretty much did it without even realizing what I was doing...
But the moment i bit into star's wrist she made noise.....
I thought I had hurt her so I went to pull way without taking any of her blood... Then she made another noise....................................

I was pretty sure that if I was the kind of person who blushed I'd be blushing right about then..

I hadn't hurt her it would seem my bite caused her pleasure.....
What Jared said jumping to his feet......
Wait there's more........
The moment I swallowed her blood.i was hit with a pleasure like I never felt before...
Two more mouth full of her blood and we both went over the edge...

When I finally started to think straight again I was hit with a surge of power...
And so was she.....
She completely healed in seconds...

And the connection now Go beyond anything that they said it would be like....
I feel all of her.... like a piece of me now lives inside her.... And it's the same for her.
Even now my little star's in the shower day dreaming about fried chicken and mashed potatoes..
Ummm John you think you could do me one more .....
You kidding me.... he said laughing
Fine he said grinning at me.
Fried chicken coming up..
And don't forget the mashed potatoes, with gravy...
Oh coleslaw and a biscuit.....
Jared laughed.......she ordering the whole menu...
John flashed.......
Jared stoped laughing and he looked at me...
What the hell are we going to do about that thing that's after star..
Because seriously man he's not just going to give up.... He ready
Had a taste of her..... And you know what the books say..
Once they get a taste they don't give up...

I am not sure if the three of us is a enough to stop him....
I know Jason said hanging his head..
But I can't take her back to the safety
Of our people.... She not safe there either...
Maybe you should try to talk to you dad Jason, after all he the head inforcer...
Maybe he knows more about that so called legend then we've been told...

I know Jared was right.. if star was going to survive this I was going to need more help.
I started to formulate a plan in my head....
Starting with my mother..

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