chapter eleven

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I stared down at the pale white skin of her wrist....
So many things were running through my head.
But I was shock to discover discussed
Wasn't one of them..
The ideal of taking her blood caused a flood of desire to wash over me....
My body screamed for it..

Gently I grabbed her wrist in my hand..
I was already bring to my mouth before I knew what I was doing..

But I couldn't bring myself to bite into her wrist...something was still holding me bsck..
John step side ways trying to get a better look at what I was doing..

Then it hit me..
Even if what I was about to do only happen before in a accent legend ,
It was still a private act ..
Something to be shared only between star and me...

Gently I lay star's arm back at her side.
She looked up at me .
A look of understand shining in her eyes..
I could feel her need for privacy too.

Turning to face my brother's..
I need for you leave........
What...... No way John said.
This was my ideal remember.
I know that... And thank you..
But I can't do it with you guys here..
Why the hell not Jared question.

I answered him honesty...
It feels to intimate...
Like no was else is supposed to see..
Oh.....john said...
Jared cleared his throat..

We will go get some food and supplies..
And some close for star, I add..
Then they both vanished..

I was slow to return to star's side..
The room seemed to take on a heated atmosphere...
What was wrong with me...
I was taking some of her blood, not making love to her on my kitchen table .
Once again I picked up star's wrist..
Our eyes locked...
I could see she was just as confused by
The strong desire running through both of us.... as I was......
This is probably going to hurt ..i warned her.
Fear started to override the desire I had for her blood..
I can't I said looking at her sweet face... I can't bring you anymore pain..
Yes you can..she softly whispered..
Do it qiuckly....
Then before I knew it my teeth sank into the softness of her wrist.
A moan reached my ears before any of her blood had even trickled into my mouth.
I stared to pull back.. terrified I had hurt her..
Then she moan again....
This time my brain registered the sound ... .pleasure.......she was feeling pleasure not pain...
Finally I allowed myself to swallow her blood...
Am not sure what I thought was going to happen.... probably nothing....
But instantly I was hit by a wall of pleasure...
I had been with women over the years...
But this.........
This was off the scale.............................
Even though I only touched her with my hand and mouth to her wrist,
It felt like every part of us was fused together..
Right down to our cells....
I swallowed again and our body's began to shake.........
Then the biggest orgasm of my life hit.....

Power like I never felt surged threw me.
My eyes flew back to star's, her eyes were bright almost glowing ...
Her heart beat thundered in my ears...
Our connection truly complete now...
It was more then what they said would happen...
It went beyond the simple ability to
Feel some part of her...
I felt and knew every part of her...
Right down to the shock she was feeling from her first orgasm ever.....
I had omit I felt pride in being her first.. Even if it wasn't in the traditional to speak....

Somewhere in those few minutes of him taking my blood and pleasure like would not have Emagine , my body completely healed.
I felt stronge..... and i felt him....
I could hear and feel all of him...
Them moment he went over the edge and had taken me with....
The power coursing threw him....
The all consuming love he felt for me...

I pushed myself to a sitting position and scooted to the edge of the table...
Making sure to keep the thin blanket tucked around me...

He chuckle as he put his arms around me, pulling me against his chest...
Still so Modest sweet one... after what we just shared...
I blushed....
Pulling back to smile up at him..
That doesn't count , I said with a small giggle...
Beside I said looking at the floor by his feet.... My momma always said marriage first...
He put his hand under my chin, making me look back at him.....
I will make you mine in every scent of the word, my wife,my mate,my very soul...................
That I promise you he said brushing his lips across mine...
Then down my jawline and to my neck.....a small shiver ran down my spine.. then a moan escape me when he nibbled my ear...
With a loud laugh he pulled away....
And it counts sweetheart.....
The first of many..........

No it doesn't.......
He threw his hands up and started backing away .....
Total counts he said laughing.........
Then he spun and started to run threw the kitchen...
No you don't I yelled jumping from the table and running after him...
I caught up to him in living room....
I thought I hand the upper hand when I grabbed the back of his shirt....
But then I was spinning and I landed flat on my back on the couch..
He followed seconds later...
His lips land on mine.
Instinctively I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waists..

Ummmm...... Our we interrupting.

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