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Mark's POV
I dodged my opponents attack and pushed him back with an invisible force (use the force Luke, use the force. No... Ok) he fell back into the stone wall, leaving a crack. He fell to the ground exhausted.

We had only been fighting for a few minutes but he had been desperately trying to lay a blow on me. In the end he didn't even lay a scratch. I was top of the class in my super hero class, top of the school actually. But when the new year starts we gotta do tryouts again to see if we can improve, which I never have anything to improve on. I stepped out of the fighting ring and into the cheering crowd. I smiled and waved at them all. Giving some of the girls winks or blowing them kisses... All a show of coarse.

I went to the back of the class and sat down with my friends Felix, Cry, Ken and Aaron. I sat next to Felix and he gave me a bro fist. I smiled and turned my attention back to the front of the classroom as the teacher tried to settle everyone down.

"Okay, okay. Everyone sit back in your seats. Mrs Lee, can you attend to Ryan for me?" The teacher asked. Mrs Lee was the school healer and she quickly brought Ryan, who was the guy i had been fighting, back to full health. He smiled and returned to his seat with his friends.

"Alright, next I want to see Matt and Sean," the teacher said, reading from his clipboard. Sean has never used his powers in front of anyone, not even in tryouts. Matt got up and climbed onto the stage but Sean didn't move. He was wearing a dark black hoodie that covered his face. He didn't even look up from the floor...

"Sean! Get up here!" The teacher yelled. This time he looked up and I saw his bright blue eyes shine in the light.

"I would rather not sir," Sean said in a thick Irish accent. It was the first time I had ever heard him speak. The teacher looked at him angrily.

"Everyone has to do it Sean. Just because previous teachers let you off doesn't mean I will!" The teacher growled. "Now get down here!" Sean rolled his eyes and mumbled something as he got out of his seat. I heard what it was though because of my enhanced hearing. And what he said made shivers run down my spine.

If someone dies its not my fault...

I shook it off as he got onstage and stood with his hands in his pockets.

"Give me that Hoodie Sean. Its against school rules to wear them," the teacher said looking at his note pad.

"But-," he tried to object but the teacher just held his hand out angrily. Sean huffed and pulled off his jumper. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt underneath but I could see the tops of bandages wrapped around his hands. Why was he wearing them?

A loud bell rang, signifying the beginning of the fight and Matt turned into a tiger and charged at Sean. Sean's eyes went wide and he vanished in a flash of green light, appearing on the other side of the ring. Matt shifted back into a human, stopping himself before he ran into the edge of the caged ring. He turned and saw Sean looking at him. Sean let out a slight breath, as if relieved he had done that.

Matt charged again, but this time Sean wasn't able to teleport away. Matt leapt onto him and turned back into a human, pinning Sean's wrists down. Sean let out a yelp in pain and teleported away. He appeared in the corner of the ring, clutching his wrists. Did Matt hurt him that much? I saw a piece of fabric fall to the floor... It was a bandage.

Matt got up and ran at him, turning into a leaped as he did. Sean wasn't able to react on time and could only put his hands up in defense.

There was a bright flash of green light that made me close my eyes. When I opened them again Matt was lying on the floor of the ring unconscious and Sean was on his hands and knees panting. He looked up at what he did and seemed... Scared.

"No no no nonononono! Not again!" He said clutching his head. The sleeves of his shirt fell down, revealing scars and fresh cuts. Does he cut himself?

Mrs Lee ran onstage and went straight to Matt. She checked his pulse and gasped. A choke escaped her mouth an she looked at Sean, who was now in tears rocking back and forth. The teacher ran to Mrs Lee's side and did the same she did. He then looked up at Sean with an angry look on his face.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" He shouted at him. Sean flinched and looked up at him. His face was red from crying and his breathing was unsteady. His face twisted in anger.

"WHAT I DID!? IT'S YOUR FAULT I WAS EVEN ABLE TO DO THAT! YOU THINK I ENJOY KILLING PEOPLE! ITS THE WHOLE REASON WHY I DON'T USE MY POWERS!" he shouted at the teacher. Everyone gasped and started whispering about what he had just said. Now I understand why he said it wouldn't be his fault if someone dies...

Sean saw all the people whispering and looked like he was going to have a panic attack or something. I didn't know what I was doing. I got up and ran onstage. I knelt down next to Matt's lifeless body and placed my hands on his chest, sending electric shocks throughout his body. He jolted with every pulse I sent. After a few shocks he gasped and started choking and coughing. There was a cheer from all the people in the class and i looked at Sean, who had fallen to the floor and was staring at Matt. His breathing was completely irregular and he kept hiccupping. I stood up and walked over to him but he backed away.

"N-no... S-stay a... Way...f... From...m-me," he choked out. "I-im a...m-mon-ster..." Then there was another flash of green light and he was gone. Did he do all this in purpose? He seemed... Scared of what he did. Why did he run? Was he afraid of me hurting him? Or was it something else? And what were those cuts on his arms? I'll have to ask him the next time I see him... If I see him again.

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