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If anyone can do fan art on here. I want you to draw Cassie and Psycho. You'll see what I mean soon.

Mark's POV

"I... I loved him," I said finally finding my voice. Felix just looked even more confused.

"Who?" His voice easily showed his concern. I looked at him as tears I didn't know I had streamed down my face.


"W-what?" Felix's face was full if shock. He open his mouth to say more but was interrupted by a loud banging on the door.

"Marky, I need to tell you something," it sounded like Cassie only... Different. It was more high pitch and distorted.

I cautiously approached the door and looked through the peep hole (still don't know what its called). Cassie stood with her face staring at the door. Except she had the same blood red eyes from that day in school. Her hair was now straight and instead of being green and blue it was black and red. The scariest part was the crooked insane grin on her face.

I backed away from the door and turned to Felix, motioning for him to stay quiet. He nodded and we watched the door from a distance. I head footsteps walking away and looked back through the peep hole (it sounds so funny). She was gone...

I screamed when a hand shot through the door and grabbed my throat. I was pushed backwards as Cassie phased straight through the door.

"You should have opened the door Marky," she said wickedly. Tears were streaming down her face for some reason.

"C-cassie... Don't do this," I choked out. Her smiled seemed to grow even bigger.

"I'm not Cassie," she said with a giggle.

"Then who are you," I heard Felix ask cautiously behind me. She giggled again. It was a horrible sound that sent shivers down my spine.

"Well I'm someone who Cassie hides. Someone she doesn't want to exist. I'm hers and yours worst nightmares," she said darkly. "Do you know the reason why Cassie doesn't like being called Psycho?" She asked. I shook my head, unable to speak.

She leaned close to my ear. "Because I am," she whispered before laughing manically.

"I've had enough of this! Get out if my house!" Felix shouted. Psycho turned to him, tilting her head slightly, a wicked grin plastered on her face.

"Why should I? Its not like you can beat me with plants," she said. Felix gasped and I saw fear cross his face.

"How did...?" He tried to say but Psycho cut him off.

"I know everything. I know everyone's powers and I can use everyone's powers," she said her face becoming more evil than ever.

With her free hand she held it up to Felix and poison ivy grew out of the floorboards and curled around Felix, holding him in place. He clenched his fists and pushed the ivy away. While he was distracted I saw the shadows shifting and turn in into a person.

The shadow creature held a sword up and was about to swing it at Felix when Jack appeared and shone a bright light across the room. Psycho hissed and dropped me.

"Cassie you can fight her. Don't let her take control," Jack said as he stood in between us and her. She just growled at him.

"Master will be hearing of this. You can't keep him caged up forever you know," she said, a small smile crawling across her face for the last part. Then she vanished in a cloud of swirling red and black smoke.

"What. The fuck. Just happened? Felix asked from behind us. Jack turned and looked at us with concern. He sighed.

"She has a villain side that, when told, will take control of her mind. She can fight it but it takes a lot of effort to do so. Everyone has one, it just depends on how strong they are. And since Psycho is the villain's leaders right hand, she is extremely powerful," he explained. I nodded and looked into his worried eyes.

"What did she mean by 'you can't keep him caged up forever'? Who's him?" I asked. Jack's face dropped and he looked down.

"She means my villain side. He's the leader left hand... I can contain him but he's getting stronger. You're lucky your villain sides can't control you since I removed memory of them. Until you remember, they can't touch you," he said sadly.

I walked up to him and hugged him. He hesitated at first but hugged back. I heard Felix walk into a different room and pulled away slightly and looked into his twinkling eyes.

"Talking about remembering. I remembered this," I said leaning in and connecting our lips. Flashes of every time we kissed flickered through my closed eyes as he deepened the kiss. After a few seconds I pulled away and smiled. He smiled back. Just as he was about to kiss me again we were interrupted by a certain Sweed.

"I can't leave you guys alone for one second now can I?" I blushed and looked away. Jack laughed but reluctantly let me go.

"So what do we do now?" I asked once my face had relatively returned to normal. We both looked at Jack who was staring off into space. "Jack?" I placed a hand on his shoulder but he suddenly clutched his head and let out a groan.

"What the fuck is going on Bro?" Felix shouted. I looked at his fearfully.

"I-i don't know," I said, looking back at Jack. He was still clutching his head but he kept repeating the same word over and over again... 'No'. His voice got louder and louder until he was practically shouting the word.

Then he stopped and fell to his hands and knees. I knelt down next to him an tried to see what was wrong but he suddenly tackled me to the ground. I heard Felix shouting behind me but all noises seemed to fade as I looked into Jack's eyes. They had turned into a Bright green instead of blue and the white was starting to turn black.

"Don't be afraid Marky. It's just me. A long. Lost. Friend," two voices spoke. He was smiling just like Psycho had been but it turned into a frown. "Talking about friends, I want mine back!"

I screamed and his hand reached straight through my chest and i felt his fingers wrap around my heart. I gasped as his grip slowly tightened and I began to choke. My vision faded and i was overwhelmed with memories of everything. I remembered everything!

He laughed and through my darkened vision I saw his glowing eyes.

"Welcome back... Dark."

Alright, so if you hadn't guessed by now, their opposites are actually villains in this story and can only be linked to the hero if they remember or know who they are. Get it?

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