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Mark's POV
I stared at Cassie in shock. I held Jack's unconscious body in my arms. Cassie was looking at me tiredly. Her eyes were flickering with colours.

"Could you.... Please... Put.... Him down...," she breathed out. I did as i was told, gently laying him on the floor. The moment I wasn't touching him Cassie fell to her hands and knees. I cautiously went over to her.

"What happened?" I asked, completely confused by what was going on. She remained silent for a while as she caught her breath, before sitting against a wall.

"I was holing a thin, skin tight layer around Jack so that you weren't actually touching him, you just felt like you were when you were actually half a centimetre away from him. Its why I got so tired because it uses a lot of energy to hold it at such a concentrated space and area. And I had to mold it around his body, which was constantly moving, so that it was as if it was a layer of skin," she explained. I was shocked actually.

"That sounds cool!" I couldn't help myself. I'm such a child sometimes. She just smiled and laughed slightly.

"Yeah but it's exhausting," she said while making a funny face. We both laughed but returned our attention back to Jack.

"So, what are we going to do?" I ask, looking at his resting body.

"I'll take him back to his room, then I'm going to sleep. And you still need to call your friend. He's getting a little worried now," she said walking over to Jack and carefully picking him up.

When she was out of the room I pulled out my phone and went to Felix's contact. I was going to call but I decided to text instead.

Mark: hey sorry bud, I got caught up in something.

A few seconds later I got a reply

Felix: Jesus Mark! Where are you?!

Mark: I don't know actually. But I'll explain it later at school. I gotta go.

It was a little longer before he messaged this time.

Felix: fine, be safe though. And the police have taken Phoenix into custody. We'll see you tomorrow. You better explain yourself!

Mark: I will, promise. See ya.

Just as I finished Zero came running out of the room with a book in his hands. Arianna followed, trying to get the book off him.

"Zero! Give me my book back!" She growled, her eyes glowing a purply blue colour. Zero saw this and with a streak of black colour he was gone.

"Aaaaarrrrrgggg, why does he keep doing that? He's so childish!" Arianna growled then looked at me. "Can you help me get my book back? Just pretend to be on his side. Then when you get the book just give it to me okay?" She said sternly. I nodded. She must really like her books.

There was another streak of flashing black light and Zero appeared leaning on the bench with the book in his hands.

"This is such a boring book anyway. Why do you even like books?" He said looking at the cover. Arianna leapt at him and he dashed away. But she teleported in front of him and he ran right into her. He fell to the floor but she didn't even budge. She had her hands on her hips and was glaring at him angrily.

He smiled and slid the book over to me, which I picked up and held it in my hands. Arianna sighed and walked over to me.

"Thank you," she said reaching for the book. I grinned mischievously and held the book to the side. Zero dashed past, taking the book with him. Arianna looked at me with shock then anger.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" she yelled at me. I just smiled.

"He had a bigger bet," I said shrugging. I lifted up the slice of cake that had appeared in my hand when Zero took the book. I took a bite and smiled at Arianna. She rolled he eyes and huffed in frustration.

"Boys," she muttered as she walked away, the book now in her hands. Zero appeared next to me and we high fived.

We ended up talking and laughing about the stupidest of things for hours. Soon the sun had set but I had no intentions on going home. I lived by myself anyway so it wouldn't matter how late I showed up.

"Wait, so your the top of the class and the whole school! What powers do you even have?" Zero asked like an amazed child he is.

"Yeah, I have super strength, lightning manipulation(he can bend lightning), enhanced senses and inhuman reflexes. I can fly and breath underwater, though that doesn't really help most of the time," I explained. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes. It wasn't the entire truth though. I did have those powers but I had more I dared not use.

"That's amazing!" He said with such enthusiasm. I laughed and he ended up laughing to.

"I bet you can't walk through walls." I froze at the voice. Zero had stopped too and was looking at the person standing in the door way.

"Jack.... You should be resting," Zero said with concern. Jack just gave him an annoyed look.

"Yes mum, jeez. You're worse than Cassie," he rolled his eyes and hobbled onto the kitchen. I saw that he wasn't walking on his left leg properly.

"Hey, are you okay there," I asked. He stopped and turned to me. I could tell he was trying to hide his pain.

"Yeah," his voice was flat but I could sense the pain in it.

"No you're not. Your ankle is twisted. You must have hurt it when you fell earlier." His eyes widened with shock.

"How...?" Was all he could get out before I interrupted.

"Because it was shown in your body language and the way you spoke. And since you were limping weirdly on your left foot I presumed you must have injured it somehow. Since Zero and Arianna checked for any physical injuries earlier after the fight and found none then it must have happened after that. So I made a guess and thought the only way you could have injured it was when you fell," I said. Jack was staring at me in surprise. Zero had his mouth hanging open. I closed it for him smiling.

"Well ain't you a smarty. Maybe we should have a smart off," Jack said laughing. His laugh was amazing. I wanted to hear it more often.

He sat down and held a hand over his sprained ankle. A green glow emitted from the palm of his hand and shone onto his foot. When it faded he got up and walked off normally.

"Thanks for that Mark. I would have just done it in the kitchen but you had to point it out a little sooner," he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. I looked back at Zero and he was still staring at me in shock.

"How!?" He screamed. I just burst out laughing.

Well that was boring. Sorta. We now know Mark and Jack's powers. Well not all of Jack's saying he has collected a lot but his main one really.

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