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Mark's POV
I walked trough the front gates of school. Jack was right next to me. I had convinced him to come back to school. I told him that if anyone tried to hurt him or bully him, he should just come to me.

There was a lot of hushed whispers as we walked down the congested halls. Jack went off to find his locker and I went to mine. Our first class was together so we agreed to meet up there.

"Hey Mark! Bro what happened yesterday?" Felix and his friend Annwn ran towards me. They stopped in front of me and gave me serious looks.

"I was at...," I started but I remembered Jack had asked me not to tell anyone anything and sighed. "I can't tell. I promised the person I wouldn't," I said looking down.

"And you promised me you would! Is this person more important than your best friend?" Felix said softly. I sighed.

"No, but if I told then they would be devastated. Its just until they feel a little more comfortable around me and others okay," I said looking at him. He looked like he wanted to argue but he didn't.

We all headed to class together. I walked by Felix and Annwn was on his other side.(Felix in the middle) She never really left his side.

They were technically brother and sisters anyway. Felix's family adopted Annwn a few years ago and they have grow really close. And it couldn't get strange cause Annwn likes girls. And Felix had a girlfriend as well, she always waits for him in class.

When I stepped into the classroom I was met with chaos. Everyone was crowding around Jack and he was desperately trying not to touch them. I left my friends side and pushed through the crowd. Well, they kinda moved out of the way for me. As I reached the front of the crowd I started hearing what they were saying.

Murderer.... Screw up... You should die... Loser... Fag.... You should kill yourself.

It made me angry. They didn't even know the whole truth of it and they were still picking on him for something he can't control. Then I saw Ryan, who was Matt's best friend, step forward.

"You killed my best friend! You're lucky Mark was there to save him," he growled and reached for Jack's arm.

"No! Don't touch me!" Jack said in fear as he pulled his hand away. Ryan scoffed.

"Or what? You'll kill me?" He teased but I knew it was the truth. Jack looked at the ground tears in his eyes.

"Yes," he mumbled. Ryan gasped but I stepped forward before anyone else could interrupt.

"Just leave him alone! Its not his fault. He did try to prevent what happened. If anything you should be blaming the teacher for making him go up there," i growled before turning to Jack. My gaze softened and my voice lowered.

"Are you okay there bud?" He looked up at me, a slight flicker of a smile on his face. He nodded wiping away the few tears he had shed.

"Thanks Mark," he said doing his best to smile. I knew it was forced but I didn't question him.

"No problem. Hey, do you want to sit with me today?" I asked and his grin widened, becoming more genuine. He nodded enthusiastically and I laughed.

I led him out of the crowd and over to the group of tables set up for my group. Felix gave me a strange look but I signaled for him to just wait. He looked frustrated but didn't say anything.

"And who is this little cutie?" Marzia, Felix's girlfriend, asked in her sweet voice. I saw Jack blush slightly and laughed.

"This is Jack," I answered. He smiled and gave a slight wave. "Jack, this is Annwn, Felix, Marzia, Ken, Aaron and... Wait, where's Cry?" I had been pointing to everyone at the table but stopped when I saw Cry's seat empty. A crash drew my attention to the classroom doors.

Cassie came flying in, her long hair trailing behind her as she did. She saw us and quickly flew over, landing in front of us.

"Jack! Mark! You gotta hide me!" She said quickly while trying to stay out of the view of the door.

"Why?" I asked. She opened her mouth to say something but Cry came rushing through the door. She yelped but Jack reached up and grabbed her hand, making her invisible. He lowered his hand to make it seem casual. A straight look on his face. Cry came over to us, looking a little annoyed.

"Have you guys seen that Psycho chick, I think she said her name was Cassie?" He asked, his right hand twitching slightly.

"No why?" I said casually.

"Because she zapped me. I was being nice and talked to her but when she offered a hand shake she zapped me!" He said frustrated. I held back a laugh and could tell Jack did too.

"Well it's better than a burn right? Gives the brain a massage," I said smiling. He looked shocked but sighed.

"Why do I even bother? Just tell me when you see her okay?" He said. I nodded and he walked off. As soon as he was gone Jack let go of Cassie's hand and she reappeared. She was laughing her head off.

"That was priceless!" She said wiping away a fake tear.

"So what did you do to Cry?" Ken asked. Cassie smiled and climbed on top of the desk, walking along and sitting cross legged at the end (I have actually done this before).

"I may have given him an electric shock when I harnessed his powers," she said snuggly. Everyone's beside mine and Jack's eyes widened.

"You what?" Felix said.

"Oh, I forgot you guys don't know. Silly me," Cassie said while making silly faces and hand gestures. "I can harness and use other peoples powers. It just give then either an electric shock or a burn. It not as cool as stealing them like Jack can. That would be so much more fun." She froze at what she said. She looked at Jack apologetically. Jack just stared at the floor, aware of all the eyes looking at him.

"That's.... Awesome!" Aaron said leaping from his chair.

"That's got to be the best power ever! Why don't you use it against villains?" Ken added. Jack sighed and looked up.

"Because if I do then they will die. I was cursed," he said sadly. They all looked at him sympathetically.

"We're sorry that happened. I wouldn't have made such a big deal if I had known," Aaron apologised. Jack shook his head.

"Nah, its okay. Just don't tell anyone okay," Jack said with a sinister look in his eyes. They all nodded and the bell rang.

It was quiet after that. Jack didn't say much as usual but Cassie, Zero and Arianna did come over and lighten his mood every now and then. No one had bothered Jack about what had happened and I was glad that news spreads quickly for once. But when the bell rang to go home it all changed...

And cliffhanger. I shall leave you to hang off a cliff. But I need a villain though. Like maybe two or three. I don't know. But I just need some ideas. Just a name and a few powers each, no more than 3. That would make it easier to write a couple of chapters. Do share your ideas. I'll be reading them :)

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