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Mark's POV
It's been a week since the villains attacked my house. They had burnt it down so I was living with Jack and Cassie. I haven't seen Zero or Arianna since the attack. Every time I ask Cassie about it she just ignores me.

She's been helping me remember how to use my powers but its extremely difficult. I would be in the middle of doing something when I would get a flashback of a power I had. It was really painful and I would end up with headaches but Cassie would still force me to train.

I hadn't seen Jack much. He would come home late at night and was gone when I woke up in the morning. I tried to ask him about it once but he got angry at me. His eyes turned black with only small green dots and his teeth became sharp. I was terrified. He seemed to see this and change back to normal. He muttered a sorry before he disappeared. I haven't approaches him since.

My flashbacks have been affecting me everywhere. I had one in the middle of class the other day and when it stopped I saw Cassie pinning a couple of guys against the wall. She was different as well. When I tapped her shoulder she turned to me and her eyes were blood red with flecks of black(because my eyes are actually brown with flecks of black). The jumped back but they quickly returned to normal and she ran out of the school.

When I approached her the next day but all she told we was that the boys had tried to attack me while I was having the flashback. I didn't bother to press any further.

I decided that today, instead of meeting up with Cassie like I usually do, I would go to Felix's. I quickly snuck out the back of the school and ran to Felix's house. I got there within five minutes and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Felix's voice called through the door, his Swedish accent showing.

"Its me, Mark," I replied. There was some shuffling inside the house before the door opened. Felix stood there with a blank expression on his face.

"So you finally decided to return to me?" He said coldly. I frowned in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I tried to think of all the possible reasons to him acting this way but none showed up.

"You've been hanging out with Jack and Cassie more than your own best friend Mark!" He said angrily, his voice only just staying low. Oh.

"Look Fe, I'm sorry. Just, please let me in and I'll explain everything," I said glancing behind me quickly as I felt someone watching us.

He huffed but stood aside. I quickly stepped inside and he closed the door, locking it behind him. He led me to the living room and sat on the couch looking at me.

"Go on then," he said impatiently. I quickly explained everything that was happening, even the things about my powers. (Cause author is lazy and don't want to write it)

"Wait wait wait. Hold on a sec. You can harnes peoples powers?!" He said shocked.

"Well yeah but I can't remember how to use them," I explained. He nodded, absorbing everything I had explained to him.

"So, Jack used to be a villain," he said slowly. I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He looked up at me as if to say 'you seriously didn't realize?'

"Jack literally told you he was a villain pretending to be a hero so that he could steal everyone's powers. But when he came to you he just couldn't. When the leader of the villains discovered Jack didn't do his job properly he punished him, which shows that he was a villain even more. He disobeyed orders... As a villain," he said.(not sure if any of that even made sense really)

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