Chapter 3

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(A/N: hey friends so here is a picture of Jean (Taylor Hill) and Emily (Romee Strijd)

By the time I got home from the diner I quickly change into my pajamas and head for the bed. My body was sore from all the work I did. By the time Cole had left me in the diner, I couldn't take my mind of what I had gotten myself into. I didn't think that being his "pretend girlfriend" was a good idea, not one bit. The only benefit I'm going to earn from this is the $3000 dollar cash which would help me loads in getting the car, and not to mention the Cole-free life I'm going to get after all of this is over.

My brain goes over the events that previously took place in the diner with Cole once again for the nth time. I couldn't help but wonder what is in store for me on Monday. I sigh knowing that this isn't going to end well and drift to sleep.

I felt a drop of water hit my cheek when I look up at the sky and see grey clouds starting to build up. I look around me not knowing where I am, and not knowing where to go. I find myself stranded in a valley, seeing nothing but fields stretching in the horizon. The rain starts pouring harder as I run around to look for a place to take cover, but there was none. After a few more minutes of finding a place to stay to keep me from the rain, I give up knowing this wasn't going to get me anywhere. That was when I realized that I no longer felt the droplets hit my skin, I turn around to find the guy I keep dreaming about. Just like all the dreams I've had about this mystery guy,  I couldn't make out any facial features, but he was tall and had dark brown hair. I try to look at his face but it only seems like he keeps looking away. Then suddenly I felt the ground shaking, it gradually increases until-

I woke up. I groan not liking the idea of being woken up on weekend and being disturbed from my dream. I open my eyes to see Emily beside me and I groan again. "Emily, for the love of God it's a Saturday"

"Jean, it's 3 in the afternoon." Emily opens the curtains to find a bright sunny day. At least I know I won't get wet. "And besides, you promised you'd go to the mall with me"

Snap. I totally forgot about this. She frowns at me, looking very much disappointed. "You forgot didn't you"

"No I didn't!" I cover up immediately "I'm just going through a lot of stuff right now, and I've been really busy and- why are you looking at me like that?" I look at her and it seems like she knows something I don't. Or I know something she doesn't know but I haven't told her. It's complicated but the look on her face looks like she knows I'm hiding something.

She smirks "Nothing. Now go get dressed" she urges and tries to pull me out of the bed. I fight back not wanting to get out of my comfortable bed.


A few hours in the mall and I already feel like I'm dragging a hundred bodies with me. I don't usually get this tired easily, especially when I'm in the mall but my body hasn't fully recovered yet from all the extra work I've been doing this past week. After endless complaints and minor tantrums, Emily finally got sick of it and decided that we sit down and eat first at McDonald's.

Halfway through the meal Emily speaks up "So is there something you want to tell me?" I start to feel a little bit nervous. Quickly assuming that she might know about the contract Cole and I made.

"What do you mean?" I laugh, trying to keep it cool.

"I don't know" she shrugs, "maybe you can tell me about what happened at the diner"

I can feel myself starting to sweat. How did Emily know about what happened at the diner? She wasn't even there. "Nothing. I've done nothing but work, you know how much I really really want a car"

Emily raises an eyebrow obviously not buying my alibi. We remain silent for a few more minutes when she starts speaking again "Why didn't you tell me Jean, I'm your best friend, aren't we supposed to tell each other everything?"

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