Chapter 7

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I am bored to death in my science class. Our teacher has done nothing but babble about life experimentation. I look over at Cole and surprisingly see him listening intently, as if he's so interested in the topic.

"Okay so for your major project this semester, you will need to try and hatch a chick with these eggs." Our teacher  brings out a great tray of eggs, probably about 20 of them. "You will be working by pairs, and since a lot of you passed the previous quiz, I'm giving you the liberty to choose who your partner will be." The room instantly fills with chatters, everyone was on the hunt to find their partners. I look at Emily hoping that maybe she'd want to be partners but I already see her talking to Tyson, I already assume that they would be the ones paired together. I scan my eyes around the room, looking for someone who might still be needing a partner when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"So is it your house or mine?" I turn around and of course it's Cole who asked me.

"You're going to be my partner?" I ask.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be? You're my girlfriend after all. You'll be the mommy and I'll be your daddy." He smirks and winks at me.

I scoff, I look around the room again hoping that there's someone who still doesn't have a pair aside from Cole. But when I see that everyone seems to have someone already, I frown knowing that I'm stuck with him.

"Let's do it at your house." I sigh knowing that I can't get myself out of this. I'm doing this for my grade, I think to myself.

"Great." He beams "this is gonna be the perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other better."

"This is a project, not an opportunity for you to flirt or get to know me"  I say "and besides, everyone else is already partnered up so I'm stuck with you."

He pouts and acts as if he's hurt with what I said "I think that I'd make a great partner and daddy." He smirks and winks.

"Okay everyone" our teacher speaks up "since everyone seems to have a pair, I will now be discussing what you guys need to do." She starts handing out the eggs to everyone, and once she reaches us, Cole gets the egg with the utmost care. As if it's the most fragile thing on earth. "Each of you will have to take care of this egg and make sure it hatches. It usually takes 21 days before the chick will hatch from its egg. Now these eggs came from my own chicken so don't think that you could just buy a new chick by the end of this project. All those who are able to hatch the egg into a chick will get an A+ for science this semester."

"We're gonna kill this project" Cole whispers to me  "I mean not kill this chick but we're totally gonna get an A+" I laugh to myself, he's so interested in this project, I think it's so unlike him. Maybe it isn't going to be as bad as I think it will be. Hopefully.

After school Cole brings me to his house. This isn't my first going to his house since I've been here before when I was a kid, but it's been a really long time since then. It still looks the same but I can tell that's its been renovated. Cole's mom is an architect, that's why I've always admired how their house looks like. We step inside and nothing much has changed as opposed to the outside. It still looks as modern as ever, all clean and organized. Surrounded by white walls, all lined with big glass windows. If you even look through the back, you'll see a large glass sliding door that leads to the pool. I look around and it's like the first time, everything just looks so nice.

"Nobody's at home at this time" Cole says "Let's just go to my room first." He leads the way. I've never actually been to Cole's room. Let alone any guy's room. We enter his room and my eyes widen. It's nothing like I've ever imagined his room to be. Not like I've ever imagined how his room would look like but I assume that all boys room are the same, dirty and unorganized. But I guess I was wrong because Cole's room is the exact opposite. Everything was so neat and tidy, it's probably even cleaner than my room. His room looked modern too, he had a large flat screen tv, huge glass windows, a king sized bed and even a couch at the side of the room.

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