Chapter 19

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My first day back at school was nothing like I had expected. I immediately regret saying that I actually missed school while I was on house arrest. The time I got back, all I've been doing is catch up with all the home works, lessons, and tests I've missed in one blow. In English class, our teacher had given me extra work for missing so much. I mean, who does that? I bet if they knew I was sick, they wouldn't do this to me, they wouldn't make me suffer this much.

But I stayed true to my word. I still haven't told a single soul about it. Not even Cole. Although, ever since I came back, everything seemed kind of different. It's like, I keep hearing continuous chatters and whispers whenever I passed by. Aside from that, a few people I didn't even know welcomed me back. It was weird, but I guess that's the kind of things that happens when you're dating one of the most popular guys on school. Or shall I say, the most popular guy on school.

At lunch time, Cole seemed to have noticed the stress on my face because I probably looked like a mess. I was working on a chemistry homework that was due the next period. In one of the questions, I groan in frustration because I couldn't get the answer. After a few minutes of trying, I groan again and Cole looks at me with concern on his face. "Babe, are you okay? That's like the 5th time you groaned, I didn't know chemistry was that sexually pleasing" Brandon and Tyson both snicker after hearing this. I glare at Cole who looks at me sheepishly. If he hadn't called me babe, I would have threw a fit. I didn't like it before, but now I like hearing Cole call me with pet names. Especially sweetheart, that always gets me.

"I don't get this question at all. I've been stuck since forever" I complain. What's the use of balancing equations in the future anyways? It's not like I'm even going to use a periodic table when I work, well not in the job I want anyways.

Cole takes a look and smiles "it's easy" then he explains it and suddenly everything comes into place.

"I never knew you were good in chemistry"

"I'm not. We just answered this homework already" my eyes widen at this.

"Do you think you can..." I don't really like cheating, I'm totally against it. But now is different. I was totally desperate to just get this over with. I don't know how much chemistry I can handle.

Cole raises an eyebrow at me "do you want to copy my homework?"

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say copy. I just want to compare and make sure my answers are correct."

Cole laughs and shakes his head. He takes a look at my paper again "well, you're answer to number 1, 2, and 5 is wrong. You missed a few steps" I quickly recheck them and he was right. I was careless enough to not double check my answers.

So with that I give him a quick peck on the cheek, which surprises him. "Thank you so much"

"Yeah, no big deal" he plays it off cool but I can tell he's blushing by the way he's trying to avoid eye contact.

When I get to chemistry class, Emily immediately takes the seat next to mine.

"Tyson is taking me to prom" Emily suddenly says. My eyes widen at this.

"No way" I gasp "how did he ask you?"

"Well, he hasn't asked me yet but I heard from Stacy who heard from Tiffany who heard from Brandon that he's taking me" Emily smiles a big smile. I couldn't help but feel happy for Emily. She and Tyson are good for each other, that's for sure. But then it makes me wonder if Cole plans to take me to prom. I'm pretty sure he will, I am his girlfriend after all. But I'm not sure if he's willing to do a promposal for me or something (but I hope he does).

I was too stuck thinking about this whole prom thing that Emily had to nudge me at the shoulder. "Can you stay with me after classes? I need to consult Mrs. Covester on my French homework."

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