Chapter 12

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Just like any other high school student, everyone anticipates the big and much awaited homecoming game of our football varsity team. Everyone was preparing for it, even if they weren't the ones who are actually going to play. Some puts some face paint on with the colors of our school, some makes signs and posters, and many more. Even the cheerleaders had to prepare something for the football players. It's been a tradition in our school that each cheerleader will cheer on one football player. Before, Chloe was the one cheering for Cole at every single game. But news spread like wildfire, and since Chloe is the cheerleading captain, she assigned Cole Mandy Baker, the black sheep of the team.

"I can't believe that Chloe assigned Mandy to you" Tyson said, trying to hold back a laugh. Cole nudged in the arm, and just rolled his eyes. I could tell that Cole was mad and really upset.

"I can't believe that I, the quarterback,  got the lamest cheerleader on the squad." Cole says, letting out a groan.

"Hey, don't say that." I say "she can't be that bad"

Tyson, Brandon, and Bryan all shook their heads. "She only got in the team because she's the principal's daughter." Bryan said. "He said that they wouldn't make it an official "varsity team" if she wasn't in it."

"That doesn't seem fair" I say, only hearing about this now.  

"Yeah, she literally just sits on the benches whenever we have games. She can't even do a proper cartwheel" Brandon says laughing. I look at Cole and his head is buried in his hands.

"Why is it such a big deal though?" I ask "they're just going to cheer for you during your game."

The three of them shakes their heads again. I have a lot to learn about. "The purpose of having a cheerleader assigned to you is that they do all these shit for you like decorate your locker, give you your favorite food, stuff like that."

I scoff "and what does that have to do with playing football and cheering on them?"

"That's the point" Bryan says "It's more of like moral support. They show  you that there is someone to cheer on you."

"By decorating your lockers and giving them your favorite food? That's kind of stupid." I say, and they all laugh except for Cole, who still looked kind of upset.

"Jean, Are you jealous that you're not the only one cheering for Cole." Tyson says with a smirk. Cole suddenly looks a small smirk on his face too. I roll my eyes, resisting myself from saying a remark I know could do no good with our fake relationship.

We still argued about how irrelevant the cheerleading tradition was, when Cole's eyes suddenly widened, as if he had a Eureka moment or something. "Hey Jean, can you come with me." He suddenly asks

"Where?" I ask, and he just shakes his head "Just come with me." He says, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the group, leading me outside the cafeteria.

"I have an idea" He says quietly.

"What?" I ask.

"Why don't you be my cheerleader?" He says and I scoff.

"No" I say "Weren't you listening to the arguments I had with Brandon, Bryan, and Tyson back there? It's pathetic!"

"Please" He pleads "I just really, really need this. It's for the Contract! Mandy Baker isn't going to do shit for me. I don't even think she knows anything about this tradition, and, What she does isn't going to have the effect on Chloe as much unless you do it."

"I'm sorry, Cole,  but the last time I remember, I'm not part of the cheering squad. And, I don't even know what I'm supposed to do, I'm just as clueless as Mandy." I say but he doesn't budge.

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