Chapter 20

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It's that time of the year again. The "night of nights" as they say. A momentous occasion where everyone dresses up with their finest clothes. It's a night where every single detail counts, no matter how small or big. A night where for once, it's okay to show off everything you got.


Anyone in their "right mind" would say that prom is one of the most important experiences in one's high school life. My understanding of prom before is that it's just an event where people dance and mostly have a good time. But now it's different. People seem to have used prom as an opportunity to show off whatever they have, from fancy dresses and even to cars. It's weird, but that's the trend right now.

In our school, however, we like to keep things simple. My school has two proms. Well technically prom was last year, celebrated by the juniors. Us, seniors, are celebrating 'homecoming' but we still call it prom anyways.

I did not go to prom during my junior year. I just didn't feel it to be necessary at that time. Aside from not being asked by anyone to prom (sad, I know), I felt like it wasn't really my thing. I actually didn't think that I would be going to prom, ever. But so much has changed and happened, that back then, I would have never imagined myself getting ready for it.

To be honest, I don't even really know what actually happens during prom. Emily tells me that it's mostly a night where people dress up, look pretty, and get laid. The typical. But I think it's more than that. I think that it's a night you really want to remember. And maybe I want it to be more than just a night where you dance and then hook up after. I want to actually cherish this night, because this is the last and only time I will ever experience this after all. Unlike Cole, he has nothing to worry about since he already went to prom in our junior year. I would ask him about his first prom experience but I figured that it would be too awkward to talk about. Especially since he went with Chloe.

A few days before prom, I was still stressing over about my gown. Until now, I still don't have one and I'm starting to get really, really worried because I want to look my best. Maybe at least for just one night, I want to feel and look pretty too. I was currently on the phone with Emily, talking about last minute shops or boutiques I could possible go to pick up a gown.

"How about Taylor Millan? They have really nice gowns there" Emily suggests.

"I'm not that rich, Emily." Taylor Millan is a high end brand. Yes, they have pretty gowns, amazing even, but it comes with a price. Only people like Emily could buy gowns from there. Sometimes, I wish I were in her position. Emily is just so insanely rich, she could buy the same dress in five different colors if she wanted to. The prom dress she bought for this year wasn't exactly that cheap either.

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure there are some local brands that have really nice gowns that fit your budget." She says cheerfully. I can tell she's really trying her best to help me out. We've been talking about this for days, yet I still can't make a decision on what to wear.

"I don't know, I'll probably just go back to the mall and buy whatever appeals to me the most"

"Ooh, that lavender dress you tried on the last time we were there really suit you well. Maybe try reconsidering it?" Then she adds "and if you're going to choose something else, make sure to go all out. You're going against Chloe after all"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean 'I'm going against Chloe?'"

I hear her gasp "you don't know? Jean, how could you not know?"

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