Chapter 14

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The next day, I woke up still feeling tired. I couldn't sleep last night since I was thinking about the possible things Dylan and I could do today. I wonder what he had planned out. Safe to say, I was really really really excited. I went downstairs with a huge smile on my face. My mom was in the kitchen making breakfast when she had noticed my presence. "You seem extra happy today. Did something happen last night?" My mom says with a smirk.

"Ew mom, no." I say quickly, while trying to look as normal as possible. I think it's best if my mom didn't find out that I'm going to hang out with my ""boyfriend's"" brother.

"Do you have any plans today? I was wondering if you could come with me and help me do some errands." She says, handing me some scramble eggs with bacon. Something about this meal makes me remember the time Cole had prepared something for me. It was so good, I don't think anyone could top that. Not even my mother since I know she isn't really the best cook.  

"I think I'll take a rain check." I say trying to sound disappointed "I already made plans with Cole today." I lie. Surely it wouldn't really hurt anyone to lie a bit.

"Oh, okay" My mom says, a tone of sadness in her voice "I'll just do it alone."

Suddenly I feel bad. I know that I'm the only thing my mom has right now ever since my dad left us. It's been really tough for both of us but we always lean on each other. I know she's sad and disappointed that I'm putting boys before her, but I'll sure try to make up for it. Especially since I barely even see her lately because of the extra jobs she's been taking

"Mom" I say, moving to her side of the counter so that I could give her tight squeeze "I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll even treat to spa day or something."

"Well, that does sound good" My mom laughs, obviously convinced.

After breakfast, I quickly make my way to my bedroom. I quickly browse through all of my clothes, and none of them seems to pass the standards I'm setting up today. I know it's just a hangout and I shouldn't really be worrying about it that much. But it's with Dylan, and maybe I want to impress a little today.

After probably about 30 minutes, I give up. Nothing in my wardrobe seems fitting for today's hangout. Not knowing what else to do, and thinking if I should just wear some of the clothes I already wore with Cole before. It's not like Dylan would care or notice anyways. Or maybe, I could just borrow some clothes from my mom.

But then, halfway through making a decision, I suddenly remember that I had a particular friend that might be able to help me out. I bring my phone out and look for Emily in my contacts. Once I've found her, I immediately tap on her name, praying she answers.

"Hello?" I hear her croak through the line. I'm pretty sure she just woke up. "Hey Emily, can I ask you a question?"

I hear her groan "this better be important, Jean."

"This is important. I swear." I hear for her response but there isn't any, so I'm sure she's listening, so I continue. "So let's say you have a simple hangout with someone today, what do you wear?"

I hear her groan again "you wake me up just to ask me that? Is it with Cole?"

"That's the point, it isn't with Cole." Then I hear a lot of shuffling on the other line.

"Oh my god, is it with Dylan?" Emily's voice suddenly sound both surprised and energetic.

"Maybe." I say sheepishly.

"Oh my god" she says again "Why are you hanging out with him though? How did he ask you? When?" Emily bombarded me with a lot more questions, all of which I did not have time to answer.

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