
653 19 23

Years later

We walk inside the diner, my hand in hers.

It feels weird to walk in here with another girl in my hand. For some reason, I felt so uncomfortable that I let go of it. She notices my sudden change in attitude but she doesn't say anything.

"Shall we sit down?" She asks. I just nod in response. Suddenly, memories came flooding in as we make our way to one of the booths. Before I sit down, I take a good look at the farthest booth, near the window. So much great memories were born in this diner. This is where it all started.

For old times sake, and in memory of her, I order a milkshake. While drinking, I couldn't help but remember the first time I came in this diner. She was still here. She was working behind the counter. I always thought that there was this kind of beauty in her that was so alluring. I wish I could have told her how beautiful she was more often.

I also remember the time when we had first made the contract. The contract that started it all. All the times we had spent together for the sake of making my ex girlfriend jealous. I remember the very first party we went to together, I remember how she got humiliated that night and all I wanted to do was protect her. She didn't know, but I was starting to fall for her then.

All these memories made me wish that she was still here with me right now. I would give up everything I have just to be able to see her smile, and hold her in my arms.

A wet drop of water had suddenly hit my hand. It wasn't until I noticed that I was actually crying. Lily, a girl that I was seeing noticed this and looked at me with concern

"Oh my god, are you okay?" She asks

I quickly wipe away my tears and nod "Yeah, I just have a lot of memories from this place"

She looks at me with sorrow in her eyes. She knows what I'm talking about. "Do you want to eat somewhere else?"

"No, I'm okay. I can manage" I say trying to sound as cool as possible.

Throughout our meal, there wasn't that much conversation.

Lily and I both got up, and got ready to leave. As we were walking out, the door of the diner had opened again.

I stop dead in my tracks. My heart was beating so fast, it felt like it could come out.

This isn't possible

This can't be

I couldn't believe the sight before my eyes. I wanted to say something, but it felt as if there was something stuck to my throat.

It wasn't after a short while when I had finally gotten my composure. I'm sure I wasn't dreaming, I'm sure I wasn't seeing things. Millions of questions started to flood in my mind.

Are you really there?

Is that really you?




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