Chapter One - Lover's Maze

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Warning - Mature Content

A breeze from the parted window ghosted across her cheek, rousing her from the deep slumber she'd slipped into.

Refusing to open her eyes, she laid in the silence of the night for a moment, basking in its peace before a familiar sensation shivered down her spine.

Eyes, she sensed them on her, as she had on numerous occasions recently. She'd be woken in the early hours of the morning to the strangest sensation that someone watched her from within the safety of her room.

Slowly, blindly, she pushed her hand through the maze of bed sheets, finger tips stretching out in search of her husband's flesh. Her breathing hitched in her throat as her fingers got lost in the thread count.

She took a deep, slowing breath and tried to centre herself for a moment. Most nights she'd shaken off the sensation and fallen back to sleep, but tonight those eyes felt more urgent than ever before.

As panic seeped into the corners of her mind, her hand became more insistent, until finally her fingers broke free and her hand landed in the empty space where her husband belonged. Her eyes snapped open, slowly focusing on the shadow stood bathed in darkness at the window.

His tall and slender frame was leant against the wooden sill, one leg casually crossed over the other, as a hand cradled a small glass of golden liquid. His eyes, persistent for her attention, watched her with a look so foreign to her marriage, that for a moment she wasn't convinced it was her husband's lean, tall body that stood there. Had he ever looked so casual?

The iridescent moonlight highlighted the edge of his cheekbones, juxtaposed against the shadows that hid his frame. Had he ever looked at her in the manor that he did now?

Her husband, a renowned professor, had had little time for their marriage over the last ten years. In fact, she wasn't sure he'd ever had time for their marriage and after many years of lonely nights and an empty bed, she was half convinced that the only reason he'd ever married her, is because that is what was expected of him.

A second thought when there was only ever time for one, she couldn't recall the last time her husband had held her, let alone looked at her with the wanton need pictured in his eyes now. A small whisper in the back of her mind told her to go back to sleep, to pretend she hadn't witnessed this uninhibited version of a man she'd have sworn she knew, yet she couldn't help herself.

Slowly she sat up, the bedsheet slipping down with the motion and exposing her chest to the night air. Her nipples peaked as her husband's gaze drifted down her body. His stance buckled, as though to walk to her, but he quickly regained his off-casual stance and stood his ground by the window.

Frustration ticked at the back of her mind. Would he ever want her? Despite herself, she slipped her legs from beneath her covers and stood to her feet, swaying with her tiredness. She took a few, light steps towards him and stopped in the frame of the window. The breeze fluttered the thin fabric of the curtain, which trickled up her side, causing goose bumps to spread across her skin.

She looked into her husband's eyes once more, earning a gaze she'd never expected to experience in this marriage. Many years ago she'd come to the conclusion that a marriage of passion would never be for her and instead a union of convenience seemed to take its place, with her too young to realise on their wedding day.

As her mind filtered through the many times she'd gone to bed alone, his hand reached out, coming so close to her skin, but not enough to touch. Leaning around her he gently parted the curtains with ease and placed the glass onto the window sill. She took a shaky breath and leaned her head back to look up at him.

He watched her with a predatorily glint in his eye, but that wasn't what caught her off guard. He was looking at her, actually looking at her, for the first time in their joint lives. He wasn't distracted by a paper or half focused on someone else, it was just them, stood here in this decaying silence.

His eyes were brown, she noted, had she known that before?

There was an openness in his eyes that she'd never seen before, a clarity that she didn't know he owned. It was like the stress of life and all of his worries had been wiped away and replaced by a rampant need for her.

As he continued to stare at her, she felt more naked than she'd ever felt in front of somebody before. Here in this room, it was just them, for the first time she could remember, they were just two people, stood in a room and not the forgotten housewife of an over worked scientist and underpaid professor.

A small smirk that she'd swear wasn't his sat on his lips as his hand reached out and cupped her cheek. She closed her eyes and leant into his touch, a smile gracing her face. She sucked in a breath of cool night air as his other hand reached out and traced from collar bone to navel, his hand settling on her hip.

Unwilling to open her eyes in case it was all a mirage, she dropped her head back as his head dropped down and his lips met hers. In a kiss containing more fire than their last decade, his lips scolded hers as his other hand slipped around her waist, securing her to him.

She parted her lips, allowing him deeper access as her body heaved up into his, her nipples rubbing gently against his night shirt, the light friction only adding more to the intensity of the kiss.

Without hesitation he walked her backwards towards the bed, until the backs of her knees hit her unused mattress. She protested into the kiss as he pushed her backwards, landing in a mixture of limbs and soft sheets. Lying like this, he slipped between her legs with an ease that suggested they were more familiar with one another. His hands slipped down her body, free to ravage as they saw fit.

She was nothing more than a puppet in his command as he brought her body to life in ways she'd hadn't realised he could.

How had she never experienced this before?

Was this what her friends had whispered about and claimed they'd experienced? If so, she wasn't convinced they'd ever felt this before or that they ever would, or else surely their descriptions would have been...more.

Her skin burned where he touched, her body bemoaning his absence as he leaned up to remove his shirt. Her eyes burned down his torso and her fingers followed, as she marvelled at the body he'd always kept hidden from her.

As he parted her legs and pushed up against her, she caught her breath and in a moment she'd never be able to explain, a wave of guilt washed over her, as though she was cheating on her marriage by allowing this to go any further.

Before she could contemplate what this meant, he'd pushed inside her, her body welcoming him like a forgotten friend. She winced as he stretched her, but within a few moments the pain was subsided by an irreplaceable sensation, her life's ambition abandoned, her name forgotten as she screamed his again and again.

Fingers clutched at skin and nails broke the surface as he took her body repeatedly. His hand reached up and cupped her breasts, fingers roughly circling her nipples until she moaned into his neck. Her breath caught as she reached her finale, but he cruelly slowed and captured her lips in a brutal kiss, as his hands caught in her hair and tugged just enough to make her gasp.

Finished with his assault on her mouth, he sucked one of her peaked nipples past his dry, parched lips, his tongue lashing against her fragile skin, as he drove deeper into her than anyone had ever been. She wrapped her legs around him tighter and held on for dear life as he finally took her over that edge.

She crashed like a wave against him, with him not far behind her. As silence regained its hold on the room, they lay panting into the darkness of the night, her forehead resting against his shoulder, his head buried in the crook of her neck, breath tickling her skin.

Without saying anything he pushed himself off of her, grabbed his nightshirt and left the room. Shocked and shaking, she pulled herself into the bed properly and quickly fell asleep, a content smile on her face.

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