Chapter Fourteen - Candlestick Weapons

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"It's not what you think." Maria whispered as she sunk, bewildered and guilty, into one of Nancy's awaiting chairs.

She curled forwards and put her head in her hands. Tears ran and Nancy placed a calming hand on her back, letting her friend cry out her frustration and fear.

Pulling herself together Maria sat up and explained to Nancy what had happened.
By the time she'd finished her tale, Nancy had double locked the front door and drawn the curtains in the room they sat in.

"So you don't know who it was?" Maria shook her head at Nancy's question and bit back more tears.

"No, but Nancy, I've never seen Jonathon look that scared before. He told me to run and I did, but- maybe I shouldn't have? I left him alone to face who or whatever that was! I should go back or least get help, or-"

"Just wait Maria, he didn't ask for help, did he? He told you to run, that's all!" Maria sat back into the chair and nodded, meeting Nancy's wiser gaze.

"I've never been so terrified before, Nancy. That building was so dark, so foreboding. I didn't know what to do." Tears bubbled over once more and Nancy moved to sit next to her, cradling her against her side.

"It'll be OK, Maria. I'm sure it'll be fine."
As if on cue, the front door began to rattle, the following fist-pounding loud and aggressive.

Both woman jumped and exchanged a quick glance. Nancy stood and made her way towards the door, looking back over at Maria with every other step.

She walked past one of their many display cabinets, her hand wrapping around a tall, silver candle stick as she did so.

With the candle stick tucked into her side, Nancy made her way to the front door, where the pounding had become more ferocious.

She spared one more glance back at Maria before her fingers reached out and grabbed the lock.

Twisting and pulling, she yanked the door open, her husband, Alfred, practically falling on top of her.

Alfred gave her a confused glance, before his eyes slid past her to Maria. Stepping into the house he greeted her and removed his hat, whilst Nancy double locked the door and quietly replaced the candle stick.

"Why on earth didn't you let me in sooner? I've been trying to get in for ages!" Alfred admonished as he stood in the kitchen, whilst the two women sat in front of him.

"Have you heard what's happened? I've only come home to collect my bag."

"No, what's happened?" Nancy asked as she stood and went to a cupboard in the far corner of the room, removing an old and creased leather bag, which she promptly slammed onto the table beside Alfred, its contents apparently heavy.

"There's been a murder. A few of them actually! I've been asked to go and console the families!" The two women's eyes met in a fearful gaze.

"Jonathon." Maria whispered, half standing from her chair.

Alfred, a confused crease lining his face paused looking into his bag and looked up at her, "Oh Jonathon's fine, I'm sure I just saw him heading to your house. The murders were near the school, but further down the lane, so he was safe."

Maria and Nancy locked eyes once more, a scared chill dancing her spine. "I need to get home and see Jonathon." She told Nancy, her knowing nod a sign that she understood and that was all that need to be said for now, that Alfred didn't need to know more until she'd spoken to Jonathon.

She spoke her brief goodbyes before heading to the door, bracing herself for the winter wind, which suddenly felt 10 degrees colder.

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