Chapter Thirty Nine - Serum Dreams

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Maria didn't need to feel the liquid slither into her veins to know that he'd injected her with the serum, Jonathon's face told her everything she'd need to know.

He stumbled forwards and fell to his knees, a silent 'no' leaving his lips. He watched helplessly as her husband emptied the syringe into her system.

At first Maria felt nothing but the uncomfortable cold liquid seeping into her, but suddenly a heat rash seemed to cover her skin, her temperature sky rocketing, a sweat built on her forehead.

She cursed as her husband removed the syringe and let her fall to the floor. Her hands slammed into the mud puddles that had gathered beneath her feet. She rested her forehead against the cooling ground, in an effort to calm her system, but knew it was a fools errand.

She threw her head back and a scream tore past her lips, as her entire body seemed to try to turn itself inside out. Her husband stood beside her, watching her with a proud look that made her want to kill him.

She told him so, but he only chuckled as he placed his booted foot against her side and pushed, causing her to roll over into the mud. She didn't shout at him for it, for the cooling mud seemed to envelop her body and for a moment she felt calmer.

He stepped towards her, fiddling with the belt of his trousers. Horror shot through her as she realised why he'd put her on her back, she went to sit up, but her body gave out and wouldn't let her move.

He paused briefly to turn to Jonathon, "I want you to watch as I take 'our wife'," he spat, "watch as she comes for me. Watch as she begs me for more." He's eyed shone with lust and ownership as he looked down at Maria's helpless form on the ground.

Jonathon went to move towards them but her husband paused again. "Move again and I'll slit her throat."

Her husband crouched down beside her and traced a hand across her face, running his hand down across his jaw, he slipped his fingers across her neck and down the front of her dress, his finger tips seeking her breasts.

She tried to stop him, but couldn't, as though injected with a muscle relaxant, Maria was suddenly unable to lift even her head. Her mind seemed to fog as her eye sight narrowed, eager not to pass out, her shook her head and fruitlessly tried to move her limbs.

"I'd hoped it was true Maria, that he was dead so that we could be together. We'd theorised it was possible that one half of the same man could die and free the other, but instead you betrayed me again."

Maria tried to shout out at him, but pain stole her voice as it gripped her body cruelly. Her husband laughed and stood before her, but his attention was so focused on her, that unlike Maria, he hadn't seen Jonathon move.

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