Chapter Thirteen - Imposing Love

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She steeled herself and tucked her head into the growing wind. With every step she took, her body seemed to resist more.

It had already taken her two hours to get ready to go and visit Jonathon at work, which was far longer than she'd ever usually require.

Both her mind and her limbs seemed insistent that this was a terrible mistake, but the guilt from last night weighed heavily on Maria's mind. In her husband's moment of need, she'd begged him to take his hands from her.

She shook her head and pressed on, the sound of her footsteps echoing around her, off of the small homes that lined the street.

Had they always made that much noise?

Like a deer walking across a drum, she continued on towards town, faltering in her step when Nancy's voice drifted to her across the wind.

In two minds whether to keep pressing on towards the school, or to quickly go and see Nancy, wifely duty eventually won out.

Heading across the square, the school loomed in the distance, like a dark fortress formed of shadows and blood coloured bricks. How different this building looked to her now, through the vision of memories of her last visit.

Reaching the school grounds, she paused at the gate, her hand on the cold, cast iron. She waited a moment, or maybe two, until she had no more excuses left within her to not go in, catching her breath she pushed the gate open and walked into the school grounds, the gate clanging as it shut behind her.


Descending the steps into the basement took longer that she'd remembered from last time. The tunnel seemed narrow and shorter, as though it had shrunk since her last visit.

The ominous tunnel seemed endless as she walked as though in a death march, to her husbands laboratory.

The building creaked and groaned and she found herself jumping at every flicker of shadow or hint of movement. Her heart hammered in her chest and her palms remained moist, no matter how many times she wiped them along the thick fabric of her dress.

Adjusting her collar, she paused for a moment under the iridescent light of a flickering bulb. She raised her head a little higher and adjusted her posture, nodding to herself she stepped forward into the cloud of shadows in front of her.

Her trip along this tunnel felt like it was ever lasting and just as she was beginning to become convinced that she'd missed the door, she heard a loud crash, followed by a guttural scream.

Despite her fear, she ran towards the commotion, slowing as she approached the open door.

Light spilled out into the hallway like milk across slate. Behind the door she could hear a heated argument between a man and himself.

Nervously shaking she stood before the door and gently pushed it until it slid open.

A hulking figure stood in front of her, their frame distorted by shadow. The frame heaved up and down, his large expansive shoulders following suit. "Jonathon." She whispered, as a foul mouthed rant left his lips.

He was barely coherent as she went to walk into the room, but before she could someone appeared from behind the door, his familiar face stretching around the door frame.

His eyes were wide and wild and yet still seemed to double in size when he saw her.

"Mary." He gasped, his breathing laboured.  A cut on his left cheek sent a ribbon of blood tumbling down his face.

In confusion Maria's attention flickered before Jonathon and the heaving form, she'd been so sure that, that was him.

Hands grabbing her arms, tore her from her confusion. Focusing on Jonathon's face she saw the lines of exhaustion and the raw terror in his eyes.

Gripping her tightly, she protested as his hands began to bruise her skin. "Run Mary." He shook her gently, his head flipping back to check on the mysterious figure, when he refocused on her, his eyes were brimming with an unshed wetness.

"Run and never look back Mary, just run." He begged, his voice hoarse and his actions violent as he shoved her from the doorway and slammed the door, a chaos of smashes and bangs echoing around the tunnel.

Maria didn't need to think twice, she picked up the ends of her skirt and ran, ran like she was running a marathon, or better yet, running for her life.

Then again, maybe she was.

The look of horror on Jonathon's face was enough to make her run, but her instincts screamed at her to do the same, as she suddenly realised that they had been since she entered here.

Her breathing was forced and her lungs burned as her violent footsteps echoed around her in the tunnel. Even as she reached the top of the stairs, she did not stop running, the image of the heaving figure in her mind, as real as if he were really chasing her.

She darted around people and skidded into a few as she flew through the maze of corridors and doors until she broke out into the day light. Sucking in fresh air, she pushed on, refusing to stop running until she was safe.

The school gate was in sight, although she'd have sworn that every step she took towards it, sent it further away from her.

Her energy was failing as her stamina dimmed, but she still pushed on, the fear for her life driving her forward.

Shaking hands fought the gate and just as she thought she might have to leap over it, the lock gave way and she spilled out into the street. Instantly she felt a weight lift from her shoulders, the sensation of the heaving figure fading with the clang of the gate shutting, yet still she did not stop running.

People stared and some called after her as she ran through the square and headed towards her house.

When arms grabbed out at her and held on fast, she fought. Screaming and yanking, desperate to extricate herself from the grabbing hands of the heaving figure.

"No!" She screamed, as she slapped and kicked and fought for her life. A crack echoed around the open street, waking her from her fear.

She stood, her chest heaving up and down with the effort as she forced air into her burning lungs.

In front of her Nancy stood, cradling one cheek, shock colouring her face. People stopped and stared, but Maria could only look at Nancy, a wave of guilt washing over her.

"Nancy." She gasped, arms reaching out to capture her arms, "I'm so sorry, I-"

Nancy, with a red mark across one cheek and a flicker of hurt and accusation in her eyes, shook her head slowly, "It's OK Maria, it's OK, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried to stop you running. But what is going on? What is wrong? Did you go and visit your husband again?"

Maria watched as Nancy's eyes darted to her neck, knowing what she meant, Maria didn't respond, unable to as guilt and fear merged together to make her a mute.

Nancy looked over her shoulder at the prying eyes of the towns folk, "Let's go back to my house, Maria." Not waiting for a response, she took Maria's arm and directed her towards her home.

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