Chapter Fourty Six - Old Friend

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Maria walked along the cobbled street, surrounded by her own thoughts. The evening was drawing in and the streets were empty, aside from Maria as she walked along through the silence.

Her dress swirled around her, the heavy material swinging with each heavy step. Tiredness clawed at Maria's mind, but her body refused to stop walking as it traced the familiar path towards her old house.

Lights blinked behind drawn curtains and in the distance she could hear the call of night predators as they rose from their sleep, to reclaim their world. Maria shivered as the wind cooled again, pulling the thin scraps of her dress to her, Maria crossed her arms and hugged her body tightly.

Head dipped, and shoulder hunched, Maria was paying little attention to the world around her, which is probably why she didn't see the woman duck out of her house and scramble across the court yard towards her. If Maria had seen her, she knew she wouldn't have had the heart to run away.


Maria gasped as she looked up, a warmth chasing away the chill as she took in the expression on Nancy's face. The warmth and worry that graced the woman's face settled a piece of Maria's soul. "Nancy." Maria responded, with a heartfelt tone, as she flung herself forwards and into the awaiting woman's arms.

"Oh Maria," Nancy enthused as the two women clung to each other, before slowly pulling apart, each greedily tracing their eyes over each other. "I've missed you. I'm so glad you're OK."

Maria could barely speak, as tears traced her cheeks, before pulling Nancy in for another hug. "Nancy." Maria repeated, unable to say any other words at the moment.

Finally Maria relinquished her vice-like grip on Nancy and stood back, putting a small distance between them. "Maria. I was so worried about you. I'm so glad you're safe. I was so worried when we found Jonathon's body, I didn't know what had happened to you, but I was hopeful that you'd make it to safety."

Maria ducked her head at the mention of Jonathon. Hearing her friend mention his body, sent a spear of sadness through Maria's chest. Followed by a bolt of guilt. When she looked back up, Nancy's eyes sparkled with unshed tears. "I'm so glad you're OK Nancy, when I saw that Jonathon had you, I-" Maria's throat constricted, her voice catching. Taking a deep breath she continued, "you must hate me." She finished on a whisper.

Nancy blinked in shock, before her hands snapped up and ensnared Maria's, "Of course not, you saved me. I was such a fool for ever getting caught. I was in the church putting out flowers, when he entered. He told me he was the monster, I thought he meant the good side! I went with him and realised too late who he really was. I'm sorry Maria, it's all my fault. I'm just glad that it was him who died and not-"

Maria cut in, unable to hear much more, "I know. But Nancy, it's not your fault. None of it was. It was all Jonathon."

The two woman locked eyes as Nancy nodded in understanding. "I have to go." Maria promised, untangling her hands from Nancy's.

Nancy took a step back and straightened her shoulders, "Of course, stay safe Maria. If you ever need anything. I'm always here." She promised, as she leant forwards and pulled Maria into a final hug.

"Good bye Maria," Nancy's words drifted across Maria's neck, tickling her slightly.

"Thank you Nancy." Maris responded, before pulling away and turning into the night, walking away from her dearest friends. Maria paused and looked back over her shoulder to Nancy, who stood wiping tears from her cheek, her husband's arm winding around her shoulder as he reached her side.

He pulled her to him briefly, before they both turned back to Maria and Nancy gave her a feeble wave, as the reverent gave her a nod. A sadness settled into Maria's soul as a misplaced jealousy tore at her heart, biting her lip, Maria nodded at them both and then turned away and kept walking, heading back the way she'd arrived.

Maria was at the edge of the forest having finally made it through when she felt a tremor in her left hand. No longer needing to fight her other half, Maria let her out, surprised at the lack of pain this time. She knew that her other half would take them back to the room they'd been staying in.

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