Chapter 1

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I woke to the sound of silence. Buried beneath the covers I tried to find my way out. I threw the blanket off myself, I landed on the floor. That's when I realized it was just a dream. It was just a dream, I told myself. My hair was was plastered to my forehead and neck with sweat. My bed was damp, I had been sweating in my sleep. Probably because I might have been running from something. My breathing fastened and I sat on the edge of the bed. 

My throat was dry, I swallowed hoping that would make it better. I couldn't catch my breath. I wobbled towards the bay window and opened it. The cool breeze washed over me and I let it blow in my room. My pajamas stuck to be like glue and my socks were squishy and damp. I took them off my feet and tossed them aside. It was still dark out, I reached to my nightstand to grab my cell phone. I tapped the screen to check the time, it was 2:00 a.m. I kept the phone away, careful not to drop it with my sweaty hands.

I didn't have the energy to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Instead I quenched myself with tap water. I splashed my face with the ice cold water and then cupped my hands and drank. After a few sips my mouth was moistened. I went back to bed and tried to get some sleep. 

I recalled my dream but the memory washed away as soon as I had opened my eyes. Sometimes it was a good thing to forget what had happened, not everything is nice to remember.

I couldn't close my eyes again so stargazing was the best option. I stepped onto my balcony and concentrated on the Stars.

One Constellation was brighter than the others, thanks to me. I connected the Stars and moved Virgo so it faced me.

I had to dim the Constellation's light as soon as I remembered that I could've easily got caught. My grandmother would have freaked out about me stargazing this late. She's cautious about everything I do.

I went back to bed when I got tired of stargazing. The bed was still warm and the weather outside, as always, was freezing cold.

I only had a few hours of sleep before the alarm rang, waking me up for school. One month left of high school. 

"Wake up!" Granny pulled the covers off me. I groaned.

"It's too cold!" I complained.

"That's because you left the window open" Granny pointed out. I begged for more sleep but Granny demanded that I get dressed and hurry up.

"You're gonna be late" she said as she slammed the door and left.

I sat up in bed and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I peeled off my pajamas and quickly took a hot shower. I dried my hair with a towel and put on warm winter clothes. Granny had made breakfast downstairs, the smell of pancakes traveled all the way up to my room and flooded my nostrils. My stomach grumbled and I grabbed my backpack and rushed downstairs.

"Thank Virgo that you're awake" Granny sighed.

I sat at the table and I swallowed down the pancakes as fast as I could. "Slow down!" Granny demanded. "Or you're going to choke" she added, rubbing my back.

"I have to hurry" I said with food in my mouth. I think I spent a lot of time in the shower and I didn't want to miss the bus.

There was a long pause until Granny spoke, "Did you have another nightmare?"

I almost choked but nodded my answer.

"I have to tell your father" Granny said worriedly.

"No!" I said immediately. "Don't tell Dad" I begged.

"I have to" she insisted. "You were talking in your sleep last night. I came to check on you but you were....scary so I went away" she told.

Scary? She said scary. She said I was scary but she didn't say I was scared.

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