Chapter 8

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I always get nervous in hospitals but this time I have a good feeling, hopefully this therapist or phsycologist will help me kill my nightmares. Tristan texted me a bunch of times, he kept telling me to not tell anyone about my nightmares and for some reason that annoyed me. Why shouldn't I? Doesn't he want me to sleep in peace at night?

The waiting room of the hospital smelled of medicine and freshly washed floors. The other patients were staring at me with weird faces, and the quietness in the room gave me a sad and for some reason suspicious feeling. Taking in the sight of the room brought up this question in my head, should I trust the person who will hopefully help me? Before I could think more Dad started talking.

Dad told me to answer all of the questions that the doctor asks and also to trust her. Both those tasks were impossible to accomplish because I am not good at opening up to people and I have trust issues.

Five minutes later an old lady on a wheelchair was pushed out of the room and I my name was called out.

"Annabelle Virgo" said the women who was the doctor's assistant.

I looked at Dad and he gave me a nod. I grabbed my bag and coat and took small steps towards the room, the assistant gestured for me to go in.

"Dr. Hope, Annabelle Virgo is here" she pointed out. I smiled at the name, it's funny how she's named 'Hope' and people hope that she will make them better.

The figure sitting behind the desk, writing furiously looked up with a half-smile on her face. "Good afternoon" she greeted.

"Good afternoon" I replied. My eye caught the many framed awards and certificates that decorated the wall of her tiny room. There was one framed photo of Dr. Hope receiving the royal medal from the King. Dad did mention she worked for him, she must be really good.


"Yes" I said.

"Please take a seat" she offered.

"Okay" I answered.

I pulled out one of the chairs and threw my coat and bag on the floor.

"Your father tells me that you've been having nightmares." She starts

"That is true" I say with a wobbly voice.

"And recently they have gotten worse" she says

Recently? Dad said recently? My nightmares have always been terrible.

"Not exactly" I explain "My nightmares have practically scarred me and ruined my childhood"

Dr. Hope scribbles down every word I say, which annoys me a bit.

"I am going to ask you some questions and please be honest" as the words slip off her tongue I feel beads of sweat on my forehead. I just nod.

"Tell me, how long have you been having nightmares?" she questions "Any special time when you..."

"After my Mom died" I cut her off. Might as well be honest with Dr. Hope she looks trustworthy to me.

"When did your mother pass?" she asks and already has the pen between her fingers to write down the words that are about to come out of my mouth.

"She died when I was young, Two years old, I think" I hesitated. I wasn't sure about the exact time she passed away. I remember nothing about her.

Dr. Hope's eyes almost pop out. "That is a really young age. You should have been in therapy a long time ago" she pointed out. Yes, thank you. Finally someone says something.

"You don't say" I joked.

"Annabelle, I need you to understand that you can trust me and tell me everything" she said with sweet and hushed tone. I still wasn't going to trust her completely but this is a start.

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