incident in the dining hall

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All characters belong to jk rowling. Plz vote for it and comment what you think....

Ginny's point of view


My heart leapt as my eyes stared at his. We were there in each other's arms after the night out looking at the stars. A grin appeared on my face and I pecked his cheek lightly to show that I truly loved him. I didn't want to let him go! Never!

After about 10 minutes of comforting eachother, I gently pushed away the blanket and I felt rather guilty; I had forgotten that Harry was still using it and he let out a moan that meant he wanted me to stay. I couldn't stay, so I stroked his hair, which I loved doing, and whispered in his ear, "I will come back soon so I will meet you up at the great hall for breakfast."

Walking back to my own dormitory, I smiled as I had a flashback of the last big war with Voldemort and how Harry really protected me. For the whole time I was in my dormitory, I still had those flashbacks and my smile got even bigger as I remembered how Voldemort was never coming back!!

I arrived at the great hall with my hair all gathered on my right side and it was straight and smooth; just the way I liked it and plus, I wanted Harry to stroke my hair, because I love it when he does that.

Scanning my eyes around the room, I searched for my friends. At first, a recognisable grin showed up and it was Malfoy's! How I hated that ferret. He was stuck-up and he was nasty, but I didn't let that get the better of me, so I carried on scanning the room making my head turn to the right side now. First, I saw Luna and Neville. The way they looked at each other was beautiful. He had his hands inter-twinned with her's and they didn't stare at anything else except each other. It was beautiful...

Then I stopped daydreaming, because I had remembered how Luna and Neville always sat beside Harry, Ron and Hermione so I skipped happily to them straightaway.

"Hello," i said.

"Hi!!" Hermione shouted as she leapt up into my arms and hugged me tightly. To be honest, I couldn't actually breathe the whole time she hugged me, but I had never told her, due to the fact that I had always loved her to bits like a big sister. One by one, the others finally said "hello" with a smile.

Pulling a seat out, I sat beside Harry as always and he put his arm around my waist. It was so romantic! Looking at all of them one by one, I knew that they were all very romantic and that they were all perfect together, however, I always thought that Ron wasn't very romantic; every breakfast hours, he would always have a bucketful of food in his mouth and when he talked, he would always accidentally spit some out. Usually, landing on Hermione, which I was surprised that she still sat in front of him.

Finally, Harry realised the effort I had put in my hair and he smelt it with love. I could tell in his eyes by the way they were gleaming, turning all puppy-eyed. After realising what he was doing, I actually regretted letting him smell it, because it got rather uncomfortable actually. More like he was a freak smelling my hair strand by strand, so I gently pulled his hand away from my hair, making him un-grip and he looked at me with puzzled eyes. I let him lay in a land of confusion whilst I picked up my knife and dunked it into the jam jar, scooping a lot up and spreading it onto my toast.

Suddenly, Harry jumped out of his seat, pushing it backwards, almost hitting another person, but luckily, I stopped it.

"Harry!" I exclaimed, but I don't think he actually heard me. "Harry!What are you doing?! Sit down right now!"

This caused a commotion and I could her the others whispering in each other's ears, but we all ignored it except for Ron.

"Haven't you all got something else to do?" muttered Ron, whilst food was spitting out of his mouth. This made him look like a total idiot. All people actually did after Ron said that was giggle, especially coming from some of the girls, who started to fancy this great big idiot. Hermione flinched as she felt a little jealousy.

After this, I went straight back to look at Harry, however, when I was looking in the other direction, he had already stormed off. For a second, I thought he stormed off to his dormitory, but no. He stormed off to Malfoy with a look of disgust in his eyes. I went over to see what was wrong, because I knew that my boyfriend wouldn't have suddenly stormed off to Malfoy randomly unless something happened.

Unfortunately, Harry ignored me, but Malfoy explained to me what happened.

"Your boyfriend here is a little short-tempered."

"Shut up Malfoy." exclaimed Harry glaring at Malfoy.

"Harry, tell me what happened or otherwise I'll ask Malfoy and I bet he will give me a really dumb answer." I could see that Malfoy was pulling a sarcastic shocked face along with Pansy, Blaise, Crabb and Goyle.

"Whilst I was smelling your hair, I saw Malfoy and he knew that I could see him so he wanted to annoy me. He started to pretend to bark like a dog to tease me about me smelling your hair. "

"You got so angry just because of that?!" I scoffed and looked at him in surprise. Not long after, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Hermione. Malfoy, however, was looking at Hermione in an unusual way; it wasn't disgust, hatred or any sort of dislike, but I couldn't quite make out what it was. He had actually been doing this for the past few weeks.

Behind Hermione was Ron, Luna and Neville. They came over to see what had happened; I loved them all as friends.

Harry sighed. "It's not just because of that, I am fed up! All this teasing has started since the day we arrived here in Hogwarts and look at it! It hasn't stopped!!" To say the truth, I did actually agree with him. this teasing had been going on for too long and we were all starting to get fed up, even Neville and Luna, who had joined our group very closely not long ago.

Ron stepped in front and he gently gripped Harry's shoulder and turned him away from the slytherin table. "It's all right Harry. Don't listen to them freaks!"

I'm following back the next 4 followers, so be sure to follow.

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