My fiancé's trouble between her and Ron

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Harry's point of view.


My fiancé stood there before me. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her ginger hair glowed in the sunlight as she played about with it, twirling it with her index finger. She smiled at me and I had butterflies in my stomach. I was so scared about the wedding, what if it was a huge mistake?

We stood there awkwardly and I finally broke the silence with a question, " so, have you told the others yet about us?" She nodded, but didn't say a word. I knew she was forcing the smile and that something was up. "What's the matter?"


"Are you su-?"

'' Yes." I was shocked when she interrupted me, but to be honest, she did do that often so we all got used to it.

"I'm hungry. Let's go to the great hall."

"I'm not very hungry today, thank you. I think I might just stay in the library and read some books. "

I didn't bother asking her if she was sure or not, as I knew that she would interrupt and say yes.

"Ok. I'll tell the others."

"Thank you."


Ginny's pov:

We stood there awkwardly, but finally, he broke the silence.

"So have you told the others yet about us?" Oh no! What shall I tell him about Ron? I haven't told him yet and he was his best friend!

I nodded but didn't say a word, forcing a smile that I think was slightly obvious.

"What's the matter?" I didn't know what to say. I should just say that nothing was the matter until I was certain to be ready to tell him.

"Are you su-"

"Yes." I felt quite guilty after interrupting him, but I didn't want to tell him... not yet anyway!

There was a moment of awkward silence until luckily, Harry broke off the silence.

"I'm hungry. Let's go to the great hall." To be honest, I was really hungry, but I didn't want to go, because if one of them congratulated me on getting married or even talked about it, then Ron would find out and it would be horrible. Despite the fact that Ron could find out (even if I wasn't there), I wouldn't feel all the pressure.

"I'm not very hungry today, thank you. I think I might stay in the library and read some books."

"Ok. I'll tell the others."

I smiled at him as a sign of thank you, because for some odd reason, my throat became dry and I couldn't speak. Maybe it was from all the anxiety that overflowed within me at that very moment.

Without staring into his eyes, which I knew would've filled me with guilt, I walked off heading to the library.


Harry's pov:

As I walked to the Great Hall, I couldn't stop thinking about Ginny; I was becoming slightly worried, because every time we spoke, there would be some awkward tension between us, which I didn't like. Also, I knew something was up.


"Hello, Harry," said Hermione and Ron.

"Where's Ginny?" asked Hermione almost instantly.

"She said she wasn't very hungry, so she went to read in the library."

"Ok. Is everything all right?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Well, she's never missed a single breakfast and she's always been the one starving. It runs in the family you see? Unless something was up, she would never miss a single breakfast."

After that, Hermione and I laughed; we looked at Ron whilst doing so, seeing as he was eating like a pig.

"You're right. She did seem quite hesitant at times this morning."

"Very well, we must see her. Are you coming, Ron?" asked Hermione.

"No, you go on ahead. I'll be here eating. Meet you in first per-"

"What I am I saying?! She's your sister. You must come! Come on!" I laughed at this. They were like an old couple - always arguing.

We walked towards the Library and whilst doing so, we were coming up with suggestions of why she might've felt down.

"Maybe it's because of all the exciting and upcoming pressure you know?" Hermione stated. For a while, I didn't know what she was talking about and then I realised as soon as I had finished asking.

"What pressure?" I asked. We were just in front of the library door.

"You know, the wedding and all that."

"WHAT WEDDING?!!" Ron screeched.

"Shhhh! Ronald Weasley! We are in the library! You must keep your voice down."

Not taking note of what Hermione had just said, he screeched, "WHAT WEDDING?!" again

Just as he said that, I could see a glimpse of Ginny up ahead of us, who looked eternally shocked.

That's when I realised what had happened; Ginny hadn't told Ron and a fight was going to start! A fight in the library...........

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