A bit of consideration

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Harry's pov:

I watched as my future wife was being wheeled out of the dormitory in a gurney. Moments later, all eyes were targeted on us and the faces that belonged to those eyes were filled with confusion and worry.

My ice cold hand shook as I held onto her hand. Despite the fact that my hand was at its very coldest, her hand was colder, but it wasn't as cold as my shocked heart.

I know it sounds impossible, but it felt like it. It is true that when a person's heart is cold, their whole body freezes and I certainly felt like that was happening. The only thing moving were my legs that were moving at a very fast pace as they were trying to catch up with the running Madame Pomfrey, who was pushing the gurney and Hermione, who was pulling the gurney.

Every minute was patronising and I looked at her closed eyes, whilst fading into a land of deep thoughts; although, those deep thoughts weren't very nice.

I thought about our future. I thought about whether we would have children or not. I thought about Ron.I thought about the wedding. I thought about whether she would be okay or not, hoping that nothing would happen to her.

To say the truth, every minute was a moment where my hope decreased. I couldn't even look after her when she was unconcsious! Lots of things just got in the way of our relationship and it made me wonder if the wedding should continue or not.

Since the night I proposed to her, which I will never forget, she has had to go through a devastating amount of stress and unfortunately, stress can make you ill. I decided to have a talk with Neville later.

"I think you and Hermione should go to period 1 now," madame Pomfrey suggested as we arrived at the doors of the infirmary.

"But I can't just leave her." I immediately stated.

"I know you mean well, but I can take it from here and I don't think your teacher will be very impressed if you don't turn up. You did miss a lot when you were trying to find Voldemort's horcruxes." Madame Pomfrey then paused for about two seconds that was shortly followed by a sigh of relief. I knew exactly why she did this. Ever since Voldemort died, almost everybody said the name with lots of ease as if there were no history coming from that name. Some, however are still afraid to say the name, because they believe that he might just return. A proud smile appeared on Madame Pomfrey's face. The smile that showed she was proud of herself and she gave a slight nod to show a grateful thanks to me for killing Voldemort. Just in the corner of my eye, I could see Hermione with an angry face and it was because Madame Pomfrey didn't say thank you to her. I was happy that people were grateful, but sometimes, it can be a little uncomfortable especially when the Slytherins (especially Malfoy) are near; they always give a look of disgust.

With my incredible charming skills, I knew that I couldn't hesitate to give her the puppy eyes. I did this, because just a minute ago, she thanked me and if I give her the puppy eyes, it shows that I need her to let me stay here in return for what I did and how it changed her life.

"Oh alright then! You can stay here."

As soon as I saw Hermione with a confused and disturbed look, I chuckled a bit too loudly; she didn't know what had happened between me and Madame Pomfrey or what I did in order to suddenly let her stay here.

"Wait a minute. You let him stay, but not me?!" exclaimed Hermione.

"I suppose you did help him kill Voldemort."

Hermione huffed with disgust as a sign of angriness from the fact that first, she didn't say thank you to her and two, she gave all the credit to me. I blushed; this was getting slightly awkward.....

"Yes! I did! I was part of the Golden Trio!"

"Oh yes, the Golden Trio. Do any of you know where Ron Weasley is. Since Ginny IS his siste-"

I interuppted, "yes about that. I don't think we are really friends with him anymore and if you do see him, don't tell him that Ginny's in the infirmary or about anything that happened to her. I don't want him causing a riot and I don't want him to cause any stress on Ginny."

"Of course Harry. As you wish."

"Thank you!"

"Merlin's beard!" Madame Pomfrey exclaimed, "we've been too busy with ourselves i've forgotten about Ginny!"

I suddenly felt horrible. Everything faded around me. Like I said, every minute made my hope decrease and it made me wonder whether the wedding should continue or not; I forgot all about her, because I was too busy talking about myself.....

What do you think? Is it good? I'm trying to write more often, because so many of you are reading it. Thank you. Please vote and comment if you do any harry potter, percy jackson, hunger games, or twilight fan fics. I might read your's and vote for it. I know i've already mentioned it, but thank you. It means the world to me that so many of you are reading it.

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