Ron Again!!!!!!

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I have decided to not delete it as I have put a lot of effort into this story for the past few days, so I didn't delete it. It would really help if you voted and followed me. Comment if you write the hunger games, harry potter, twilight or percy jackson fan fics, because then I might look at the story and vote for it. Thank you so much guys x 👍

Hermione's pov:

When I thought nothing could get worse, it got worse!

Guess who decided to show up?

Ron (idiotic) Weasley!

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing 'arry?"

"I beg your pardon Ron?" I asked very much disturbed.

"I wasn't talking to YOU." In all my life, I had never encountered such rudeness, ignorance, and disrespect.

"Get out of here before I really get in a mess!" This hopefully threatened him, but I think it did. What I usually do to make people feel guilty or scared is to use a lower tone of voice.

"Ooh... I'm scared." Ron teased in an exaggerated voice. "I didn't come here for you anyway. This relationship between all of us as friends is getting a little out of hand. Am I not respected enough to be able to be informed that my sister was unconscious?"

"Who told you anyway Ron?" Harry asked.

"Nobody had to; it was spread around the whole school in an instant. Anyway, why didn't any of you tell me?"

Me and Harry shot looks at each other signalling that we had to make up a fake reason, since we knew he would get angry with the real one. Once I came up with one, I gave a slight nod, showing him that I had one.

It didn't work...

Before I could say anything, Ginny already lead the reason. "From what happened in the library, we couldn't trust you."

"You couldn't trust m-"

"We'll always be sisters Ron, but that doesn't mean I have to tell you everything that happens."

"If it's something this big, you do!"

"I promise you that I will in the near future. I'm sorry I made a mistake."

"It's okay. It's not your was Harry's."

"Excuse me! Don't blame it on my fiancé; it wasn't him!!!"

Before he spoke, Ron spat disgracefully to show hatred to something she said. "Don't use the word 'fiancé' around me! It disgraces me!!"

"Alright, I won't."

"Good. It was probably Hermione's fault the-"

I interuppted, "Ronald Weasley! You have been a pain lately and we are not tolerating that anymore. It has not just become sad and made all of us argue. It has also created dangerous violence and somebody could get hurt, so I hope you'll understand why I am saying what I am going to say next."

Beside Harry was a happy girl, who was smiling with glee and so was her fiancé. They waited for me to say "I'm breaking up with you."

"Ron, I'm breaking up with you." I stated with ease.

"Excuse me?!"

"Yes. I'm breaking up with you. This means that you can no longer hang out with any of us as you cause disturbance and unnecessary bloodshed."

"Alright. It's okay. I knew I was too good for you anyway! Too good for any of you!"

Leaving my mouth wide open with shock, he marched out angrily.

"I'm sorry about him." I assured.

"It's okay. I'm so glad you broke up with him." Ginny confessed.

"So am I," I agreed.

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