Ginny and Hermione's talk.

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Ginny's pov:

I ran straight into my room and I cried helplessly on my bed.

Two minutes later, someone knocked on my door.

"Come in," I said without looking up. Then, Hermione stepped in looking at me cry, which then resulted in her hugging me making it hard for me to breathe.

"Oh Ginny! Are you okay?" Hermione still didn't let go.

"You'!" She let go straightaway.

"Oh I'm sorry!" She finally let go and she giggled. I think that she was trying to cheer me up, but it certainly did not work!

Whilst I was waiting for her to get the idea that I couldn't smile, I dug my head deep in my heads, because I had a slight headache that was shortly followed by me feeling slightly woozy.

"Please laugh or something. I hate seeing you like this!"

I didn't reply. I was scared about the fact that Harry might want to call off the wedding, because of Ron.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, of course Ginny. Anything you like."

"What if Harry decides to call off the weddin-"

"Don't say such nonsense! You're the person he is marrying so of course he wouldn't call off the wedding. You're the best couple I know! Besides, if he does, I'll blackmail him saying that I've already bought a dress that was really expensive, so I would hate him forever if he did." I giggled. Hermione always knew how to cheer me up. That's why she was going to be the Godmother, but I didn't really want Ron to be the Godfather especially after what happened today. Wait! I'm not pregnant! I'm just saying that this is possible if I ever do get a child.

"Wait! You've bought a dress already?"

"Yes! After you told us, Luna and I went shopping straight away. We wanted to invite you, but you were already asleep."

"And Professor McGonagall let you out?"

"Of course. She was so happy and she lets people out on emergencies and this was a fashion emergency, but wizard dresses weren't very fashionable, so we went to the human world!"

After realising what she had just said, she put her hand to her mouth. I knew why she did though.

"Wait! Tell me this. You actually told Professor McGonagall?"

"I am so sorry Ginny. I guess we should've told you first if we were allowed, but as I said, it was a fashion emergency. Anyway, is it okay if she knows? I could do a memory reverse spell, so she wouldn't remember."

"It's okay. Besides, telling her would've been really hard for me, so you did a huge favour. Thank you!" Although we hugged, I decided to lead the hug to make sure that I could actually breathe this time. It worked!

"I am still worried about Ron though." I finally confessed.

"Don't worry, you have all your friends around you to help you and support you. Also, you have the teachers who can deal with him if you are in danger. I am pretty scared though. I don't know if I should break up with him or not."

"If you are ever in danger because of Ron, break up with him. Remember that i am always here for you if you need me and everyone else is too, so don't worry. Anyway, where's Harry?"

"He's in his common room getting ready for the-"

"Period 1!!! I totally forgot!"

"Me too!"

Hermione stood up first and as I stood up, I fell on the floor still conscious though, but I felt really dizzy and woozy!

"Ginny? Are you alright?"

"I feel slightly dizzy.

"I think you better stay on the bed. I'm going to get Harry. Stay right where you are!"

She was gone for a little while and I felt really dizzy now! Finally, she was back with Harry at her side. As soon as he saw me, he ran straight up to me checking if I was alright or not.

"Honey! Are you alright?"

"I....I." Just as I clenched my hair rocking backwards and forwards fighting the headache, everything suddenly became blurry and I blacked out........


Harry's pov:

"I cannot believe Ron had been so stupid!" I exclaimed.

"I agree with you Harry. How could he do that to the people who have cared about him. You, his sister and his girlfriend!"

"Actually, Ginny's with Hermione right now. I believe they're doing a bit of gossiping." We started to snort with laughter. "Which means that they're talking about Hermione and Ron's relationship and I truly believe that she's thinking about breaking up with him."

"You're right. Where are they though? I'm going to find Luna in a minute. Period 1's almost start-"

"FORGET about period 1. Harry, your fiancé feels really dizzy and she might collapse any time soon. You must come now!" Hermione interuppted

Without any hesitation, my first sign of movement was me dashing to the girl's dormitory.

"Harry!?" Neville called far back in the distance. I ignored it as there was no time to turn back, but I had to remember to apologise about the ignorance.

"Honey! Are you alright?"

"I....I." I recognised that she was in so much pain from her rocking of discomfort. About a second later, she blacked out and fell to the floor.

"Ginny! Ginny!" By squeezing her hand tight, I was hoping that she was going to be conscious again and then when she wakes up, i would be the one, who she sees first, but none of this happened; she was laying there like a leaf. Weak, cold and helpless.

"We need to take her to Madame Pomfrey." Hermione suggested.

"Yes. Hermione, get Madame Pomfrey, whilst I have a moment alone with Ginny. Be as quick as possible though."

She ran off in an instant without saying anything, but I knew she was off to get help straightaway, because she's always been so caring, which is why she'll make the best godmother, but technically, I don't want Ron to be the godmother since he's not so caring and he can be irresponsible. To say the truth, this was one of the reasons why I wanted them to break up and I know it sounds horrible.....wait a minute! What am I saying! We're not having a baby..........or should we?

I tried to make this one longer than the other chapters, even though it wasn't that long. What do you think so far? Please vote and comment if you do harry potter, percy jackson, the hunger games, or twilight fan fictions; I want to read some fan fictions and I might even vote for your books. Thank you so much guys.

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