Waking up

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Ginny's pov:

Madame Pomfrey........Hermione........and nobody else.

Oh and Harry?! I wonder why I didn't see him first.

Where am I? My hair's tied up in a ponytail held together by a ribbon. Who could have done this and why did they do this? I didn't want them to know I was awake yet and they were standing beside the window, looking at the younger years play with the broomsticks, so they didn't see me when I was twirling about with strands of my hair.

Scanning the room, I tried to find the clock. I was in the......

I didn't where I was. 12 o'clock?!

It was already lunch. What happened? The last thing I remembered was that I saw Harry call my name. All I wanted to do was answer him, but for some reason, I blacked out.

Stupidly, I accidentally knocked the glass filled with water on the bedside table. Almost instantly, I laid back on the bed pretending that nothing happened and I closed my eyes shut in the same position I was before I sat up.

"Who did that?" A girl in the distance asked. I think it was Hermione

"Someone must've came and knocked it down." A boy in the distance answered. I think it was Harry

"The only person close to it is Ginny. Do you think she-"

"Impossible! She's still unconscious. Let's go and check on her."

Fortunately, my headache was gone, so I decided to "wake up".

"Ginny!" I knew it! I knew they would shout my name, which is why I pretended to still be unconcsious, but now that my headache was gone, it was okay.

Like always, Hermione hugged..... let me rephrase that!

Like always, Hermione squeezed me in a python-like manner that I couldn't breathe and just like a python, whenever I moved a tiny bit, she would squeeze me tighter. Bad mistake! I knew it was coming, so why didn't I lead the hug?! I loved her anyway though.


"Oh Ginny! Did the fainting make it hard for you to breathe?!" At first I thought she was joking, but after looking at her worried face, I didn't think she actually was!

I snorted with laughter? "No! You hugged me too tight!" After going red in the face of embarassment, Hermione joined in the laughter as well.

It faded when I saw the innocent-looking boy, who had a painful-looking scar on his forehead and glasses that were ever so slightly bent.

What on earth did he think he was doing?! He didn't even look like he was going to hug me! Let alone, anything more romantic, caring or pleasing?!

Silence occurred and to my left, I could see Madame Pomfrey, who seemed to have noticed the disappointing reaction and response Harry had. Even she knew! Nope, still nothing!

To make sure he actually did know we were all waiting for a hug or perhaps a caring response, I opened my arms wide enough to fit 4 people in together.

I cannot believe what he did next!

Harry's pov:

She was still, cold and weak. Her ginger hair became lighter, but it didn't look lighter in a good way as if she had highlights; it looked lighter in an unhealthy way. A tear was ready to escape from my right eye, but I didn't want to appear as a weak person, so I painfully held it in causing my frozen heart to freeze even more. Now I couldn't move!

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