what the story's all about- what we've all been waiting for

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Hi guys.... I really want to work on the sequel of this, which I have actually started and it's got a completely different story line to it; it's actually got a massive twist, so I really want to end this book asap. This might be the last chapter, but I have a different chapter in mind that will end it after this one, so I'm not sure. I would really appreciate it if you voted for my books. Thank you and also please comment what books you write, because I really want to start a reading month, but 'm not sure what books to read. Also tell me if you do a fan fic for TFIOS..... I would totally read it, but without further ado, enjoy! ......

Ginny's pov:

July the 6th......... that's all I can say really. The day of my wedding. I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the gentle breeze; but nothing was as loud as the sound of my heart beating nervously. Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day, right?

Anyway, the thing is, we weren't actually ready for the wedding day. The cake was being designed yesterday so technically, it was being made today and the music wasn't organised yet. Harry's doing all that now though and plus, the boys were setting the venue up . In around 1 hour, I just know that Hermione and Luna will burst through the door all excited, whilst I try to look happy. It's not that I'm not happy; I just wish it wasn't today. Why couldn't it have been next year or the year after? After all, a wedding is to devote your life to someone and that your family had to trust that man to let their daughter be looked after him. Luckily, my family loved Harry. A little more than Ron in fact.


Hermione's pov:

4:40...... what should I wear? I really need to impress.....impress....impress.....Charlie. Charlie was going to be at the wedding, because it was a human type wedding, so no secrets were being revealed, but the point is, I've always had a crush on Charlie ever since we met and he's cared for me since.

I decided to wear a peach dress that folds elegantly in the stomach area, complimented by a silver broach. The ends of it flared and as the wedding was going to be outside, it would be nice, because it would ever so slightly dance to the rhythm of the wind. I wore a peachy heel from Gucci that I only used in special occasions. My hair was simple, but sophisticated; I gave it beach curls and in some places, it was gripped back and accessorized. My face was all done up as well.... i decided to go for a light look; not too heavy on the makeup.

Now, I was waiting for Luna and then we were going to go and do Ginny's makeup, so as soon as I clutched my bag, I made my way to Luna's dormitory that was all the way at Ravenclaw, which meant that I had to stay fairly conspicuous to reduce the amount of spectators. You never know.... someone might've wanted to follow us to the wedding.


Luna's pov:

knock, knock. That must be Hermione. I was actually finished quite a long time ago, but I wanted to wait. Whilst I waited, I decided to study further into Nargles. Due to the big war with Voldemort,I didn't have time to do it. Unfortunately, most died in the battle, so my aim was to make sure that as many as possible were saved.

I closed my book, hid it (I didn't want Hermione to tell me to stop researching these creatures) and opened the door.

"Hello," I said.

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