Getting ready for the wedding

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Thank you for the 99 reads! I'm going to try and get to the end of this story asap, because I'm really excited to publish my second book, which I have already started and it leads on from this book. Plz vote, comment and follow.. Also, comment if you do any harry potter, percy jackson, the fault in our stars, the hunger games or twilight fan fics. I need to read some books and I might vote for your's if you comment. Once again, thank you so much guys! X 😃

2 months later.....

Harry's pov:

I cannot believe the wedding is next week; to be ever so honest, I am so excited, but mainly nervous. All this was a huge stress, so I can't imagine how this would all feel like for Ginny. She was already stressing the week I proposed to her.

Thinking about that, I remembered that time with Ron and all that stress. He was still becoming a problem, but we got used to ignoring him. After a week of being a lone wolf, Seamus and that lot started to welcome him in their pack and we all knew that once Ron (our enemy) was with a group of people, that group of people would ignore us with disgust.
Neville, however, was still our friend and I still hadn't forgotten about that talk we had; he just said for me to calm down, but halfway through, Luna interrupts, whilst she twirled about in her faint purple dress that suited her very well. When Neville went off with Luna, I was just sat there all alone surrounded by the uncomfortable noises of the second hand clock ticking irritably. To make all matters even worse, there were 4 clocks in the room.

'Tick tock, tick tock' I thought. Time was running out.

Yesterday, it felt like I was just in that event of when Voldemort scarred me for life. Literally, he scarred me! Suddenly, today, I was already thinking about the wedding. What would it feel like tomorrow?!

'Tick tock.' I thought again

'Tick tock, tick tock, time is running out.'

My mind was flooded with captivating memories that ought to be treasured for a long time.

I wondered if I was ever going to be best friends with Ron again. Neville and I lost a friend. Hermione lost a boyfriend. Ginny lost a brother and Luna lost a friend as well. Devastation! The Golden Trio was split like never before. Actually, it had once, but not this long; it happened when we found the necklace horcrux, which made everyone feel angry. The memory of that made me shiver with fear.

"Harry," Ginny called anxiously from behind.

"I'm coming."


Neville's pov:

Finally, Harry arrived after Ginny called just as we instructed.

"Harry, we already planned it all out. We're going to shop for the clothes, the girls are shopping for the wedding dress and the cake-"

"Wait! What about the bridesmaid dresses?" Harry asked clueless. Helplessly, I couldn't help, but snigger at this one.

"The girls bought their bridesmaid dresses as soon as they found out."

Without any response, Harry looked confused, but then sniggered and snorted, making the girls go quite mad.

"Anyway, as I was saying," I continued, "we are then having a pre-wedding party and so are the girls. Then, we'll all meet up here by 11:00 to sort out the invitiations. Also, we have approved with Professor McGonogall, so we should be fine."

Satisfyingly, Harry approved, "yep. That all sounds good to me. Let's go." He gestured to the broomsticks and I nodded in disagreement.

"Oh no! The tradition is to go in limos."

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