Chappie 1: Zero the New Mom

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Zero sighed as he looked at all the girls struggling to see the night class. "Zero! Where are you!?" Zero knew it irratated Yuki when he didn't show up on time. Hence why he didn't. Zero looked up and saw those god for Saken vampires coming out of their dorms and sprung into action, putting on his best scary face. "Everyone in their lines now!" All girls did as told. "Well hello girls. How was all your dreams last night? I know mine was of all of you." The girls erupted into an uproar as Aido said this and winked at them. Zero rolled his eyes. Aido had pretty much confessed to him and Yuki he was gay, so why did he play with their hearts?" Zero glared at Kaname as he walked passed, Kaname just kept that stupid fake smile on his face. "Alright! Their gone, everyone in their dorms now!" All the girls murmered to themselves as they headed back to their dorms. Zero turned to walk away but Yuki stopped him. "Would you mind telling me why your late every day?" "I have better things to do than babysit stupid girls and make sire those beasts don't attack." Yuki went slightly red as her anger began to build. Zero not caring just kept walking.
Around 1:00 A.M.
Zero was currently sitting on the ledge of one of the many balconies at Cross Academy. Zero peered over the edge and thought of what it would be like to jump. 'Should I?' He then pulled out Bloody Rose and looked at it. The thought of suicide often entered his mind. What was the point? Ichiru was dead, vampires and non vampires hated him, and he was doomed to a Level E until he died anyway. Zero put Bloody Rose to his head. Then White Lily came to his mind. That horse was the only thing that kept him from killing himself. Zero sighed and put his gun down. He then began to hop from balcony to balcony as he saw some people walking around. Keeping his hand close to Bloody Rose Zero crept up close to where he had seen the people go. However a loud crack was heard throughout as he stepped on a stick. He then heard a gasp. Following the sound Zero went through some trees and pointed Bloody Rose. He then closed his eyes and let out a sigh and put the gun back. 'Great. Now I'm seeing things.' *Hick* Zeros eyes shot open as he heard a baby's cry. He then looked at the ground and noticed the baby swaddled in a blanket with a note. Picking up the child Zero took off the note and shushed the baby. Once the baby quit crying Zero opened the note and read it. Dear Whoever Find this thing,
I'm not ready to be a mom yet. I can't handle the pressure. So here ya go.
Zero grolwed and crumpled the paper. What a dumb bitch. The child hiccuped and catching Zeros attention. "Well... I suppose I'll take care of you then."

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