Chappie 3: Kaname Knows

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Zero sighed and sat on the edge of his bed. She had a point. Not only that but why was he being so rude to her? Zero growled as yet another knock wrung at the door. He got up and opened the door but immeadiatly regretted it as he seen Kaname. "What the hell  do you want?" Zero glared at the Prince as he just walked into the dorm room. "Oh I'm sorry. Would you like to come in?" Kaname turned towards Zero and smirked. "Great! Now get the hell out." Zero pointed out into the hallway the door wide open as Kaname just stood in the middle of the room holding his ground. "Why are you being such an ass to Yuki?" Zero rolled his eyes and shut his door. "Because I can. Now my question. Why the hell are you in my dorm?" The Prince growled as he looked at the Level D. "Dont forget I gave you my blood when you were about to go crazy so don't complain." "You didn't have to give me your blood now did you? No." "I did it for Yuki." "If Yuki wanted me then she could have done it." "Would you stop complaining like your life is so terrible?" "Yeah well why don't you go suck a dick?" Kanames eyes widened as did Zeros as a baby's cry wrung though the room. "What is that?" Zero shrugged showing little care on the outside but began panicking on the inside as Hikarous cries began to grow worse. Them yelling must have upset the poor thing. Kaname began to look around the room trying to find where the cries were coming from. "Fine I'll show you. Just sit your ass down and close your eyes. Kaname smirked and did as he was told. Once he knew Kanames eyes were closed Zero walked over to the closet and picked up the crying child silently shushing him. Kaname peeked and stared in shock at the sight before him. Zeros aura had changed from that of depression and anger to one full of care and joy. He then noticed the tiny infant and how cute the tiny thing was. Kaname cleared his throat and the the Level D's head snapped up going pale. "You tell anyone of this and I shoot you." "Would you though?" Zero glared at the Prince but soon returned his attention to the small child. Kaname couldn't help but think that Zero looked cute. Yes true, he did like his sister at one point but soon realized he only felt that way because that was how his parents raised him. He then soon realized his anger toward the silver haired boy turned into the of a crush which soon developed into something larger. "I'll take care of him if you'd like." Zero glared at Kaname once more and held Hikarou closer to his chest. "Why so you can give him to someone else? I don't think so?" "Really Zero? No. I'll take care of him. Do you really plan on keeping him in your closet all day?" Zero looked at the ground. "Well no..." "Then what were you going to do?" "Ditch half the day. I do that anyway." Kaname held out his arms. "Just let me." Zero sighed giving in. "Fine." He handed the baby to Kaname . "Feed him at noon and uhm... bathe... him er... just wash his face afterwards. I have three bottles, diapers, baby wipes, powder, formula, and a change of clothes in that diaper bag right there." Zero pointed to a bag next to his bed and then clapped his hands togther. "Now his name is Hikaru and i swear if anything, ANYTHING, happens to him, I will kill you." "How long have you had him for?" Zero blushed and finished tightening his tie. "Last night..." Kaname looked at the infant and smiled. He hadn't even been in his life for 24 hours and Zero was already an amazing mom. "How did you get him anyway?" "His mom just left him in the woods because she was "too young" to be a parent." Kaname shook his head. 'What a slut.'

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