Chappie 11: Accident

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Zero continued to consider killing himself until he heard a silent cooing behind him. He then hit his head on the door once more before walking towards his new child. 'How could I even consider killing myself? I have white lily and a baby to watch over now.' Zero sighed and held Hinarou close to his chest. For the first time in years Zero began to cry silently. A knock came at his window and Zero peered over his shoulder to see Kaname. He wiped his eyes as subtly as he could before going to the window after putting the baby down. Kaname came into the room and opened his arms. Zero broke character and went into the older boys arms and wept. After about five minutes Zero looked up at Kaname. "How did you know I was crying?" Kaname pointed at his ears. "Hightened hearing. Remember." Zero nodded and snuggled into his lovers arms once more as the two crwaled into his bed for the night. The next afternoon Kaname awoke to an empty bed. He thought this was strange consodering it was Saturday. Kaname slowly got ready and made his way out. On his way to the Moon Dorm he noticed that Yuki had Hikarou. "Good morning Kaname!" Kaname smiled at the young girl. "Good morning Yuki. Why do you have Hikarou?" Yuki sat held the infant in one arm as she began to speak. "Zero asked me to watch over him while he went into town. That was when the Sun had just come up though. Ive actually been worried about him considerong the sun is about to set." Kaname looked up at the sky and sighed. "I'm going to go look for him." Yuki nodded and Kaname headed out. After about five minutes in town Kaname found Zero sitting on the side of the road. "You've been sitting there an awful long time." The silver haired boy looked up at the older and shrugged. "I just wanted to be alone." "For a whole day?" Zero looked down before standing up. He then mumbled a sorry. "Its fine. Yuki and I were just worried about you. I'm sure Hikarou is missing his mom as well." Zero nodded. "Guess I better get home then." Just as Zero stepped out into the road to head back to the academy a carriage came rushing down hitting Zero and running him over.

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