Chappie 17: Just for you

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Please read: Even though this story has been completed for a long time I am still getting many requests to update. Because I love all of my readers and appreciate you guys I have decided to do two chapters. Ive been seeing comments and being inboxed about a chapter with Hikarou all grown up and one comment for a Christmas chapter. This one will be with an older Hikarou and when it gets closer to Christmas I will be more than happy to give you a Christmas special to this story! I hope you all enjoy!

The wind was howling louder than normal as a storm brew in the distance. Zero grunted at this as he hadn't been sleeping well and had hoped to get some rest. Giving up on the dream of luxurious sleep the silver haired boy got out of bed and went into the living room. He smiled at the sight. Kaname was sitting in a chair helping Hikarou with his math homework. The child grew so quickly he had a hard time being able to grasp what was happening. In the human world people always say their children grow up too fast. Try raising a vampire. Kaname helped him with the transition and after graduation the two got married. Hikarou wasn't a full blood prince but he was still considered a prince at the school and took over Kanames position until they found a way to have a pure blood take over. Hikarou understood this thank fully. "Hey mom." Zero smiled as his son finally noticed his presence. Zero sat next to Kaname who gave him a peck on the cheek. "I thought you were going to take a nap?" "The winds too loud." Kaname nodded as he continued helping Hikarou with his math. The phone began to ring causing the three men to jump slightly as it was three in the morning and a phone call at that time meant nothing good. Zero got up to answer it but paused when he noticed it was his cellphone. Going into his room he read the caller ID and grunted slightly. "What." "We have a mission for you." "I told you Yagari its not safe for me to do this anymore. With me having withdrawls and attemtping to become one of them its hard to control myself around level E vampires." "I know that Zero but this isn't your choice. Its not even a Level E we are after. Its a nobel. Your parents want you on this case." Lilac eyes rolled as this was told but Zero agreed anyway. "Text me the location." "Its a red headed noble whose killed six innocent people just this week. Two of them children." "Got it." Yagari and the silverette hung up and shortly after Zero got a text with coordinates and began to put on his hunting gear the final piece being bloody rose. "Im going out." Kaname stood up as Zero said this heading to the door but before he could get there the youngers husband blocked the way. "I thought you weren't doing this anymore." "Its just for tonight. Its going to be easy and Ill be back before you know it." Kaname lightly glared at his husband and turned towards his son. "Go to your room Hikarou." "But dad-" "Now." Hikarou pouted before getting up and going to his room. Zero folded his arms furrowing his brow. "Im not fighting with you on this Kaname." "The last time you went that Level E got into your head and you almost became one yourself. You really think Im going to let you get under that spell again?" "Kaname. Its a noble. I have it under control so move." Wine orbs were met woth darkened lilac ones. Zero still did not like being told what to do and had a bit of a temper that, even though Kaname could definitely beat the shit out of if need be, didn't like to step on it. "Alright fine. Just be safe." "I will." Zero moved around the other male and left. Kaname always new when Zero was pissed because he wouldn't give him a kiss goodbye or say he loved him. The brown haired man sighed going back to the couch. As he did Zero made his way out to the road. He could have drove but it was easier to be stealthy without the car. After about fifteen minutes of walking Zero could hear leaves crunching behind him and knew he was being followed. He had known for awhile but the crunching was getting on his nerves. The short tempered man raised his gun in the direction of the noise and put his trade mark scowl on his face. "Whoever is following me better come out now or I'll shoot." The air was silent as not even a cricket could be heard as Zero awaited to see his stalker. After another short moment a mess of blonde hair made its way known and Zero put his gun down out of relief and frustration. "What are you doing Hikarou?" The boy fidgeted with his sleeves. "I wanted to watch you on one of your missions. Plus I used to always hear you and dad arguing about how dangerous it was for you. I thought. I thought maybe I could help protect you if it got bad." Zeros eyes softened as he looked at his son and he held open his arms. Hikarou came running into them burrying his face in the nape of his "mothers" neck. No matter how old amd mature the boy got he would always be a mammas boy. "Its not safe for you either Hikarou. Im glad you want to protect me but that's my job for you. Its really hard to take care of another person on these missions. Its why I work alone." Zero pulled his son away from him and made him look at him. His two different eyes wavering. "I want you to go home okay?" "Please mom. I promise to stay out of the way! I won't even let myself be known. Please." Zero sighed. Ever since the boy was told what he did for a living he's wanted to go with Zero on a mission and he always seemed so sad when told no. "Does your father know your with me?" Hikarou looked at the ground and the older boy knew the answer. "If it gets too dangerous you have to leave. Agreed?" Hikarou grinned and shook his head vigorously. "Agreed!" Zero smiled and the two continued their journey. Once they reached their destiney Zero hid his son just as he had when he first found the young boy. He then searched the surroundings until a sound hightened his senses. They silver haired man put his hand on bloody rose and turned in the direction of the sound. "Oh my. Is that the Kurans love monkey?" An obnoxious laughter filled the air as a man with long black hair came from the shadows. His eyes glowed red with hunger. "Im amazed the lord could fall for someone like.. Well you. Im also amazed he let you on this trip." Zero stayed silent awaiting the perfect time to strike. He took a step closer as he did so Zero could feel the noble breathe in his scent. "That is a nice fragrance you are amitting." It was now or never. Zero pulled out bloody rose as he brought a hand around the others throat. "Too bad you can't enjoy it." Before anything else Zero brought the gun up under the nobles chin shooting the gun allowing a herendous vibration through the house. The smell of blood filled the air and Zero clasped at his throat. Hikarou was not aware of the olders condition and this was no way to find out about it. He ran from the room and out the door. He needed to grab his son but it wouldn't be safe if the smelt seeped in any farther. As soon as Zero had caught his breath he turned around to the blonde boy running toawrds him. "That was so cool! Your amazing mom!" Zero smiled at his son and hugged him. The two began their journey home and once there Hikarou told his father everything who smiled lightly. Once their son was in bed the two men cuddled up together Kaname apologzing for over reacting and Zero telling him that it was alright. They shared a kiss and the three men fell into a peaceful slumber.

~The End...again

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