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"Hunter! Wake up before you're late for school," is the first thing I hear when I wake up. I sit up to be facing my mom. I start to examine her features, something that I usually do when she wakes me up. She's a pretty slim woman with tanned skin. She has light green eyes & dimples on both sides of her face. She also has really long dark brown hair that my step dad loves to brush for some reason. He says it calms him down, but I don't think he needs to calm down that much.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I yell at her. "Just checking Hunter. Breakfast will be ready as soon as you get done getting dressed." I jumped out of bed exhausted and wiped my eyes. I looked straight across the room into the mirror and found myself just gazing at my reflection. I'm pretty average in height which I love and I admire my Olive-ish skin and black hair. I really love the way I look but, according to everyone at my old school, I was just a gay boy striving to look straight.

I guess something in the universe knew I was struggling and gave my stepdad, Steven, the intention to finally marry my mom and have us move in with him. My old school was just like McKinley High from Glee, minus all the fun musical numbers, friendships, and happy endings. It was honestly hell.  I was so relieved when my mom turned in my transfer papers. Never will I look back to that school and my old self. I'm the new Hunter, not letting one word get to me.

"Pink? On the first day....really?" Steven studied my outfit. "Khaki pants and a red polo?.....really?" I snap back grabbing my water from the fridge. "Just teasing you. You look great." He chuckled turning back to his computer. "Awe look at my baby. A senior!" Mom cupped her hands over her mouth. "Mom you're being so extra it's not that serious!" She scoffed and ignored me. "Get your backpack Hunter so I can get a picture." She pulled her phone out and stepped outside on the porch after kissing my stepdad goodbye. I hugged Steven and went out to mom. She positioned me in the perfect lighting and I put my hand on my hip while making a peace sign with the other hand. "You've always been so photogenic." She laughed snapping the picture. "Send that to me," I asked after reviewing it and deciding it was decent enough for Instagram. "Oh goodness it's 8:05 we need to go." She rushed down to the car and I followed. We pulled out of the driveway and Steven waved goodbye out the kitchen window before we left the street.

"Are you excited to make new friends? Maybe join some extracurricular activities?" Her fingers made a tiny beat on the steering wheel. "Hopefully. I think I'll join like drama club or maybe Environmentalist." I shrugged watching the trees fly by. "I want you to text me in between class changes and tell me how it's going. If it gets too much, I'll come and get you." "Mom......." I groaned. "I know hun but I just......." she looked out her own window. "Don't want anything else happening again, you know?" She sighed.

*Flashback to Eleventh Grade* I was walking by myself down the hallway back to my class where I was a teacher's aide. I had just run papers to the office for Ms. Glover and I was staring down at my phone. I was on the explore page of Instagram looking at the beautiful male models passing through my scrolling when someone had shoved me so hard, my head bounced off the locker and I immediately fell to the ground. I faintly remember everything after it, but I what I do remember is seeing two of the soccer team's players running off. I was laid up in the hospital for a week with a concussion. But yet, those boys got away with it.

Coming out of my daydream, I found us at the school student drop off waiting to turn into it. "They look friendly." Mom watched over everyone scattered in the parking lot as I watched the eye candy stroll by. She pulled up finally and it was my turn to get out. She gave me a tight hug and kissed the side of my head. "I love you so much." Mom sighed. "I love you too." I found it hard to let go of her, but I eventually did.

I shut the door and turned around to see Harvest High School. No one was shoulder checking me or stepping on my shoes for once. People were actually smiling and waving or giving me a small nod. I turned to the front doors after deciding to walk with the crowd and brought myself to open the doors and walk in.

(A/N: Hey guys!! New story! Tell me what you think)

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