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*Added a picture of how Hunter's room kind of looks!*

"Mr. Hunter I'm guessing? You're late. Thirty minutes added to your time here in detention," Mr. Carambot, the detention teacher, snapped. Great. I have the worst luck. While I go to my seat everyone stares at me. I hate when I'm late and everyone stares at me. It makes me so uncomfortable. When I sit down, both Luke and Jacob look back at me. Luke looks at me playfully while I can't quite describe how Jacob looks at me. I get my school work out of my backpack and start working on math. "Alright guys, I'm going to make copies. Don't do anything that would get you into any more trouble than you guys are already in." When Mr. Carambot walks out Luke comes over to me and is telling me about how he saw some cute guy at Starbucks the other day. I honestly spaced out and wasn't paying attention to what he was saying close to the end of his story. "Hunter, are you listening to me?" "Oh yeah, sure." "What did I say then?" he quizzed. We both sat there with straight faces until both of us started to laugh. His smile was honestly so pretty to me. His teeth were perfect and he had the cutest dimples. I looked up and saw Jacob walking my way with an angry face. "Can you two shut the hell up?" he said in an angry tone. "And what are you going to do if we don't?" Luke bit back. As soon as Jacob was about to reply we heard keys which meant Carambot was on his way back into the classroom. "Seems like you guys behaved well." If only he knew. "You guys are free to leave. Except for you Hunter. You still have that extra thirty minutes." I groaned and sunk into my chair. Never will I ever be late for detention again.

My thirty minutes were finally up and I was allowed to leave the hell hole known as detention. My first week and I'm already giving delinquent vibes. When I walk out I notice Luke is waiting for me across the hall. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Well, I wanted to wait for you because I wanted to see if you would like to hang out later." "Sure! We can actually go to my house right now if you want," I offered. "Yeah let's do that!" I was honestly surprised he waited for me for so long. I mean it was only thirty minutes, but I do not have the patience so I think it's nice that he waited. I got in the passenger seat and as soon as we got in the car Ariana Grande started playing. "I love this song! Ain't got no tears left to cry!" Luke was singing at the top of his lungs and it wasn't good, but it was still fun to sing along with him. Plus, how can you not sing along to Ariana Grande?

After a long ride full of terrible singing and laughs we made it to my house. As soon as we stepped into the house my mom was already freaking out about me bringing a boy home. "So what do you think of my baby Hunter, Luke? What's the status of your relationship?" "Mom, we literally just met. We're only friends. Now can you stop being so nosy?" "I'm sorry I'm just not used to you bringing friends home. Especially boys," she said walking into the kitchen to make dinner. Luke and I went upstairs to my room and sat on my bed. As soon as I sat down I got a text from Jacob. It read "Can we talk?" I ignored it and started to listen to Luke tell me about how cool my room looked. I did work on my room a lot when we moved in with Steve. I looked at pictures and modeled my room after a mix of them. I had fairy-like lights, posters, and a chalkboard wall. I find decorating my room a distraction and a way to cope. "So Luke, why did you wait on me for thirty minutes just to hang out?" I asked. "Well, I've never had any gay friends. The only thing close to a gay friend was a boyfriend and it's not quite the same. I'm just excited to finally get to know someone just like me as a friend." Oh, so he didn't like me. "Honestly I thought you were flirting with me these past few days," I admitted. "Yeah, I can come off a little flirtatious with people so sorry about that," he apologized. "Oh, it's really no problem. I'm just glad to know that you and Layla have my back are in my life now. Even if it has just been for a couple of days. You guys are the best so far." "Yeah, we try to be," he laughed.

After a while, it was time for Luke to go home so I walked him to the door. "Thanks for coming over Luke!" I yelled as he was walking to his car. Before he got to the car he turned around and had to say something. "Hey Hunter, thanks for giving Layla and I a chance. We didn't really have friends before you either. Everyone labeled us as the weird twins, but luckily you came." "Oh yeah, no problem. See you later!" I closed the door and went to eat dinner with my mom. Steven was still at work so it was just us. My mom kept talking about how excited she is that I actually have friends and while it's a little much, I love her. She's always been there for me and I couldn't be more thankful.

When I got done eating I went upstairs and saw that Jacob called me five times and texted me begging to talk to him. I'm pretty sure I was clear about him not talking to me again. I decided to cave in and call to see what he wanted because I'm stupid like that. When he answered he sounded surprised but happy that I called him. "Hey, Hunter! I didn't think you would answer me back. Listen I'm so sorry about today, but you have to understand that I can't be nice to you at school. My reputation is very important to me. Please forgive me." I didn't buy any of it, but then I remembered how my reputation was ruined at my school after everyone found out I was gay. "Fine, but don't talk to me at school if you're going to be rude. Just ignore me. I don't need unnecessary drama from you anymore. I'm already stupid for forgiving you. Don't make me regret it." "Thank you so much Hunter. I really hope we can be friends outside of school. You're actually a pretty cool guy. Actually, would you like to hang out Saturday? I could come over to your house and we could watch some movies or something." It took me a while to think about if I actually wanted to give him another chance, but in the end, I did. "Sure. See you later." God, I hope I wasn't getting myself into more mess.

(A/N: Hey guys!! Thanks for reading my book if you've made it this far! I hope I'm doing pretty good! What do you think of Hunter forgiving Jacob and Luke saying he only wants to be friends with Hunter?)

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