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I was currently beating Jacob at bowling. We were on our date and it was going amazing. The only annoying thing was that he kept insisting to pay and I wanted to at least pay for something. Other than that, I was having a great time. "How are you so fucking good at this?" he asked. He was so frustrated and it was hilarious. The ball would either go into the gutter or hit one pin. Every. Single. Time. "Here look, I'll show you what to do," I laughed. I was already going to win anyway so I decided to just give him a pointer that literally everyone knows except for him obviously. "What you need to do is keep your arm straight." I held his hand while he held the ball and guided him. When he rolled the ball he actually got a strike. He jumped around bragging like he didn't just lose, but I let him have his moment. "Good job, you totally didn't have any help."

Once we both got tired of me beating Jacob we left the bowling alley to go to one of his favorite diners. "I used to come here with my moms every day after school with my moms. This is one of the only LGBTQ+ friendly diners around here." "I hope it's worth the hype you're giving it," I joked. He smiled and held my hand. "Hey, Jacob!" a waitress yelled across the diner. Her name tag read 'Martha' in a really cute font. "Hey, Martha. I've missed you so much. This is Hunter," he said excitedly introducing me. She greeted me and had a very interesting and funny conversation with Jacob. I just listened and noticed how happy Jacob was talking to her. He seemed like he was at home here and I found it really cute. When they were done she asked us what we would like. I went for the Arcade Burger and Jacob went with a chicken tender basket. Martha went to put our order in and Jacob looked at me like he was ready to ask a question. Then came the question. "So why'd you switch schools?" I didn't know if I should lie or tell him the truth. If I tell him the truth he might think different of me and I don't want that to happen. "Oh, you know my mom got married so we just decided to move in with my stepdad Steven. No big story behind it." He looked like he could tell I was hiding something but left it alone. Martha came back with our food surprisingly quick and I loved the burger. I can see why Jacob loved it here.

Jacob and I were finished eating and I noticed that one of my bullies, Dean, from my old school came into the diner. As soon as he spotted me he walked over to our table. He seemed hesitant but he walked over anyway. My heart was beating so fast. The last time I saw him was when he and his friends beat the hell out of me. "Hey, Hunter. Haven't seen you in a while. Can we talk?" Jacob got up and went to the restroom letting Dean and I have some alone time. "I just want to say, I'm sorry." I looked at him like he was crazy. Did I really just hear him say he was sorry? This is the guy that was the one who outed me and beat me the most. "I know this is very surprising coming from me. I treated you like shit. You didn't deserve anything that happened to you. You deserved so much better. I've realized that being gay isn't something you choose. I've learned that first hand. I'm gay." I sat there tearing up. All I've ever wanted was one of my bullies to say sorry and actually feel bad for what they've done. "You know what Dean? I forgive you. It wouldn't be like me not to. But you were a monster for doing what you did to me. I really do hope that you've grown as a person. Maybe there's some way for us to be friends in the future. But don't take my kindness for weakness. I'm stronger than I was when you last saw me." He nodded his head and we traded numbers before he left just in case we actually decided to be friends. Jacob came back and saw me crying but didn't say anything.

We finally left the diner and on the way to my house, Jacob had some questions. "What's wrong? You were back there crying and now you're really quiet. Did something happen at the diner?" I decided to cave in and finally tell him everything. I told him about how bad I was bullied an how I even ended up in the hospital which caused me to move. "I didn't want to seem weak in front of you. That's why I lied," I explained. "I want you to know that you don't have to be scared to look 'weak' in front of me. I know you're strong." We pulled up to my house and we just sat in his car and talked. "I have a question to ask you, Hunter. Would you give me the pleasure of being my boyfriend?" I was at a loss for words. Did he really just ask me to be his boyfriend? "Yes. Yes, I will." We hugged and had a pretty lengthy kiss. "Okay, I have to go. See you later boyfriend." I left the car and went into my house. "How was your date?" Steven and my mom were sitting in the living room looking at me like I just learned to walk or something. "Oh, it was amazing. I have a boyfriend now." They both looked at each other and came up to hug me. After talking to them I went up to my room and saw I had a new text message.

Jacob: had an amazing time, boyfriend.

It feels all those years of being bullied were finally paying off. I got my good karma.

(A/N: hey guys!!! sorry about the super late update, but here's a new chapter! i actually really like this chapter and i hope you guys do too! let me know your thoughts!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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