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I woke up the next morning before Jacob with his arm still around me. Before he woke up and saw he was cuddling with me, I quickly removed his arm and go out of bed. I didn't want him to like punch me or whatever. I went downstairs to see my mom cooking some delicious breakfast. "Good morning mom. How was your date with Steven last night?" "It was great! We went to eat sushi at Osaka. It was amazing until I came back to see the mess you made last night. I take it you guys had fun last night? "Yeah, it was amazing. We had a lot of fun. I forgot what it was like to have fun with friends." My mom gave me an understanding look and continued to cook.

"Good morning guys" Jacob came downstairs looking so cute. Especially with his morning voice. Last night really opened my eyes. The fun we had last night let me see a new side of him. He's very funny, playful and really just amazing. "Hey, Jacob, how did you sleep?" my mom eagerly asked him. "I slept great. It was very cozy," he said and looked at me. So I'm guessing he did know about the cuddling. My face started to heat up and Jacob started laughing causing my mom to look at us like we were crazy. My mom finally got done with breakfast and we dug in. Jacob was late for church so he was eating like he'd never had food before. We got done with eating and I walked Jacob to the door. "Thanks for coming over. It was really fun. Also, I most definitely won't tell anyone about the cuddling." "Who cares if you do, it was great," he replied and walked away. He got to his car and before he got in he winked at me. My heart did a little flip. I went back inside and couldn't wait to see him again at school.


"Are you sure you like him, Hunter? I mean, he did kind of publicly humiliate you in front of half of the school." Layla didn't like that I suddenly realized I had feelings for Jacob. She made a point, but I replied by saying we got over that and it's nothing to worry about anymore. Speaking of the devil, Jacob walked up to me and asked if we could speak alone. We walked outside where people were but nobody could hear us where we were. "Isn't talking to me going to make people look at you weird? Considering your reputation?" "Yeah, but who cares. I had fun with you Saturday and it made me realize that my reputation doesn't matter as long as I have amazing people in my corner." "Well, thank you for finally realizing that." I could tell that I was blushing. "Anyway, I broke up with Briana this morning. She seemed to understand and I'm sure we ended on a pretty good note." "Well, good. Now you can try to talk to that person you like." He looked a little nervous but then decided to respond. "Yeah, well the problem is that I want to go on a date with them and don't know how to ask." "I'm sure it's easy. If you're nervous just ask. The worst thing that could happen is that you could say no." He seemed to be thinking about what I said for a good minute and went with my advice. Except I wasn't expecting what was coming next. "Hunter, would you like to go on a date with me this Friday?" I was shocked. I didn't think he meant me. "Am I being pranked right now? How much did they bet you?" He started laughing really hard. The funny thing is that I was being serious. There's no way he actually wanted to go out with me. "I promise I'm serious." "I didn't know you liked guys." "Well, I'm bisexual. I'm still in the closet, because of my reputation and my fear of being judged, but my parents know. I've been thinking about coming out lately. My parents said that when they came out everything was so much better and they felt free." "I never really came out. I was basically forced out. Since I've been here nobody's given me a problem though. Except for you of course. " We both started laughing and we just kept talking until the bell for our next class rang. We had the next class together so we decided to walk together. "So, do you have an answer to my question yet?" "Yes, I would gladly love to go on a date with you," I said so only he knew. We both smiled and went to our desks.

"You're going on a date with him!?" Layla was freaking out. We were on the floor in her room eating ice cream. She was mad, but also happy. She was mad because she didn't like how he treated me at first, but also happy because she says it's like something out of a Wattpad book. Whatever Wattpad is. "Yeah, I'm kind of nervous. It's my first ever date." Luke walked into Layla's room and asked what we were talking about. "Oh nothing, just talking about how Hunter has a date with Jacob this Friday. " He looked surprised, but he seemed happy for me. It's nice to be so comfortable about myself around these guys. I love that I can talk to them about guys or anything without any judgment. "So, where are you guys going for said date?" Luke inquired. "Well, I didn't ask him, but I probably should so I know how to dress. Let me text him." So I texted him as soon as possible so I didn't forget.

Me: hey. where are we going for our special event friday? :P

Jacob: that remains a surprise. just dress casually.

A surprise huh? I was hoping it's a nice surprise. I don't like surprises that much, but I'm willing to deal with it for my first date. I couldn't help but admit that I was ready to see what was in store for me.

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