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Saturday finally came around which meant Jacob was coming over. While I was dreading the day, I was also excited. While I was still mad about him being totally fake at school, I'm excited to get more of a feel on how he actually is. We've hung out once before, but that was when his mom forced him to come over. Still not quite sure why he would ask me to hang out alone, but whatever I guess. Going downstairs I see my mom cleaning the already clean kitchen. "Mom what are you doing?" "Oh, you know just cleaning the kitchen since Jacob is coming over." "But mom the kitchen is already clean. Stop." She looked at me and went to wipe down the counter again. I think she really likes Jacob which is weird considering the fact that we got into a fight over him being homophobic towards me. My mom is weird.

Hearing the doorbell ring, I run to open it only to see Jacob and Briana. "Hey, Jacob. Briana what a surprise." Briana looked at me with a huge smile. "Yeah, when Jacob told me he was coming over to make amends with you I was totally happy!" I really didn't care for her being here, but I kind of wanted Jacob and I to be alone. I wanted one on one time to see if he could actually be a cool guy to be friends with even if it wasn't in public. I know that sounds weird, but while I hate that he has a stupid reputation he wants to keep I still kind of like him. "Yeah, Briana insisted that she be here. I tried to tell her that she could've stayed home, but she wanted to come so here we are," Logan said in a way that let me know he didn't want her here either. Probably for his stupid reputation. He wouldn't want everyone to know that we hung out I'm sure. "Well, let's get started with the day, shall we? I have 13 Going On 30, How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days and Mean Girls. Which one should we watch?" I asked. We all agreed on 13 Going On 30 and I got the popcorn and the candy for us. In the middle of them doing the dance to Thriller, Briana yelled that she had to use the restroom and ran out of the room. "Listen, Hunter, I'm so sorry about bringing Briana. I promise I didn't want to. I wanted alone time with you. I need to show you I'm serious about our possible friendship." "It's fine, I'm sure you tried to convince her to not come, but she seems like a very stubborn girl so hey I'll let it go. There's always next time." "Also Hunter I wanted to tell you something, but I'll wait till later."

Soon Briana walked in and we watched the rest of the movie and the other movies. Even though I didn't really want Briana there she was actually pretty cool and we both were able to quote lines from all of the movies. Jacob just sat there looking bored as ever while we were having an amazing time. I couldn't help but wonder though what he had to tell me. Could it be that he's finally going to be friends with me in public? At least that's what I was hoping. When we were done Briana's dad picked her up from my house because of her curfew. That just left Jacob and I. There was an awkward silence for a little while, but he was the first to talk. "So today was kind of a bust, but hey at least we're alone now right?" "Yeah, you're right. So what did you have to tell me?" He paused for a moment and finally started talking. "I need you to help me break up with Briana. I don't feel the same way I felt when we first started dating and I don't want to go on like this. Plus, I have feelings for someone else." Was he really asking me to help him break up with his girlfriend? "What exactly do you want me to do?" I asked. I was genuinely so confused. Was I supposed to tell her he didn't want to be with her or what? "Well, really I just need your advice on what to do." "I think you should just let her know that you don't have the same feelings anymore. Plus, if you have feelings for someone else you shouldn't keep leading her on." I gave him my honest opinion and he seemed to agree. After we talked about it we played games on my PS4 and he ended up falling asleep in my bed. I decided to go to sleep next to him turned the other way hoping this wouldn't get me punched in the face in the morning. As soon as I was about to fall asleep, Jacob turned around and put his arm around me. I don't know why, but my heart started beating fast and at that moment I realized I liked Jacob. 

(A/N: hey guys!! this chapter is kind of short i'm so sorry!!! also, i've published this before, but it was a version that i honestly didn't like. i was trying to hurry and fix something up before my trip because i wasn't going to be able to update so i published a rushed chapter and the story was going in a direction that i wasn't planning. so after thinking about it i unpublished and fixed it the way i wanted it to go. i hope you guys understand and a new chapter will be up soon! thank you so much for the support and thanks for 600 reads!!) 

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