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*Added a picture of Layla*

Later for lunch Layla and I sat at a circular table away from everyone else. "So, how's your day been so far," she asked with a mouth full of fries. "It's been good, you?" "Oh you will not believe what happened to me today." She went on and rambled, but I didn't hear a thing she said because I was too busy staring at Jacob. He was so hot. As I watched him joke around and laugh with his friends, I noticed a girl sitting next to him. "Layla who's that girl sitting by Jacob?" I asked. "Oh that's Briana, Jacob's girlfriend. She's a real bitch."

"Hey Layla," some guy sitting down at the table said in a grumpy voice. "Oh hey, Luke. What's up with you?" "Ms. Stevens gave me a B on an essay that I worked on for literally a week. I perfected it and it deserved an A." Based on that I guessed Luke was an overachiever and a B is basically a bullet to the heart. "Luke this is Hunter, Hunter this is Luke. Also, we're twins." Luke smiled at me in a strangely cute way. "Are you a senior too?" he asked. "Yeah, today's my first day. Just like everyone else," I said in a sad attempt to not make a fool of myself. I failed. He was pretty hot. He had light brown skin and hazel eyes. His jawline was also pretty prominent. I could date this guy.

"Do you want me to show you around?" he asked. "I think I know my way around, but thanks!" "Okay, well if you need help I'll be glad to help you," he said and left the table. Something about him made me feel like he's gay. My gaydar is always wrong, so I'm not sure. My gaydar basically detects guys that I want to be gay. Pretty whack. "Oh yeah Luke is gay," Layla said in a nonchalant way. "Seriously?" I asked kind of happy because my gaydar was right this time. "Yeah, he came out on the first day of school. He walked in holding his boyfriend's hand. They broke up the same day, but at least the statement was made," she said letting out a tiny giggle. "You and Luke would be cute by the way." "I just met the guy." "Well you're both hot so you can't go wrong there," she tried to convince me. "Actually, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are both hot and they went wrong," I stated matter of a factly. She rolled her eyes and we left to go to our next class.

On the way out we walked past Jacob and Briana kissing like they were about to have sex in the lunchroom. "Does that always happen?" I asked. "Sadly, it does. I feel like one day they'll make a porno in class," Layla said in disgust. From the looks of it, I felt like they already have. Jacob and Briana split stopped kissing and looked in our direction. "Hey, you're the new kid right?" Briana questioned. "Yeah, Jacob Turner. You know, I'm already waiting for winter break," I laugh trying to start a conversation so this wasn't so weird. "I know how you feel. Hopefully, we can talk sometime, you seem cool." This was so weird. Did she just say I seem cool because of one sentence? If it works for her I guess it works for me. "Okay, but be warned that I'm gay," I stated with a straight face. Jacob looked at me like said the worst thing possible. I didn't think he would be a homophobe, but then I remembered our little encounter in the hallway. I didn't think he actually thought I was gay though. I just thought he didn't want me staring at him. Well, now it's been confirmed. "That's cool! I love gay people! We're going to get along very well," she said. "Great, see you around!" And with that, I walked off because I could tell Jacob wasn't happy about me being gay. Layla and I walked until we reached our classes that were right across the hall from each other. As I entered my class I saw Jacob and wondered how he got to class before me. He was just in the cafeteria! I sat down beside him and pulled out my things. "Why are you sitting by me?" he asked. "We don't have assigned seats and I don't really see a problem with me sitting by you." "You're gay. I don't like faggots." "Oh, I'm sorry, but maybe you'll like this," I say as I punch him in the face. Soon, we're on the floor hitting each other back to back. Blood all on our fists. "Boys! To the office. Now!"

(A/N: HEY GUYS!! A small little update. Sorry if it doesn't do enough justice. I've had writer's block for so long and I honestly hope this chapter isn't bad. Thanks for reading!!)

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