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*Added a picture of Luke*

"Really? On your first day of school," my mom yells. "Sorry that I actually stuck up for myself!" "I'm glad you stuck up for yourself, but you didn't have to punch him!" I guess she had a good point, but it made me feel good so I have no regrets. "I'm letting you off with a warning since this is the first time. Plus, I'm sure the two-day suspension and one week of detention is good enough. Their non violence policy was something very serious. We barely caused any damage. "Go to your room. I'm about to prepare dinner," my mom said and walked in the kitchen.

As I went upstairs a random number texted me.
"Hey it's Luke ;P"
"How did you get my number?"
"Layla gave it to me. She said she snuck your phone"
"Seems like a Layla move"
"Yea well gotta go!! xo"

Luke seems pretty cool, but I don't really know if I would date him. Then again, I just met him today. Hopefully I get to know Layla and Luke more. They seem like they would be really great friends. I didn't have friends at my old school. Everyone kept their distance due to me being gay. It didn't really bother me though. I was fine being by myself because I could study easily and without distraction. I was a loner but I was proud of being a loner. It was fun.

After lying on my bed for what felt like forever my mom finally called me down for dinner. We were eating baked chicken with green beans and ravioli. I hated baked chicken and green beans so I guess dinner was my punishment. "So how was your first day of school sport," Steven asked. He always called me sport and for some reason it made me happy. Maybe it was because I never had a father figure until Steven was around. My dad was a drunk and when my mom got drunk she told my dad he would need to change his ways before she gave birth to me. She threatened to leave him if he didn't, but instead he left. It never bothered me because I never cared. "It was good," I said in an over joyous way. "Hunter tell him what happened," my mom annoyingly told me. "Well I punched a guy because he called me a faggot." "Good job sport! Standing up for yourself finally," Steve said happily. It didn't make my mom happy, so she scorned at Steven which made him change his words. It was something along the lines of "Next time try a better approach" but i didn't care. I zoned out.

After dinner was done I went back to my room and saw that Luke had texted me.
"Hey wanna FaceTime?"
"Um sure."
I was confused as to why he would want to FaceTime me when we just met, but this could be the start of an amazing friendship.
"Okay (:"
About ten seconds later I was receiving a FaceTime call. "Hey Hunter, I know this might be weird because we just met, but I have a good feeling about you and I would like to get to know you better," Luke explained as soon as I answered the call. "Okay, let's get to know each other more. Maybe we'll be best friends" After that exchange we stayed up all night squeezing answers out of each other. I found out that we liked the same color, purple, we liked the same artists, and we even had the same birthday. I've never met someone with the same birthday as me so I was definitely excited.

Closer to midnight Luke said he had to get some rest for his tests tomorrow. "Goodnight, have great dreams," I said in response. I was glad we got time to talk because I could use some close friends.

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