Chapter 3: Stories

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Jesse's P.O.V.

It had been nearly a year since we destroyed the wither storm. That's what one of the villagers had told me on my way out, after I stopped to rest in a village. I could hardly believe it had been that long. I thanked him and went on my way.

A year? I thought the command block had spawned me back only a couple of days later. I had only been traveling for maybe a week now. As it turned out I had spawned in one of the far corners of the world. I don't know how long it will take me to find my friends, but I won't give up!

Then a terrible thought popped into my head, what if they don't believe it was me. They saw me die right in front of their eyes. And, according to that villager, it had been nearly a year since then. Even I wouldn't believe me.

I started to cry. What if not seeing my friends was the best I could do for them? Could showing up just hurt them more?

Then I had an idea. "Maybe Jesse can't see them, but I bet Jennifer could!"

Lukas's P.O.V.

It will be a year, tomorrow, since Jesse's death. This time I agreed to go with everyone, maybe company wasn't such a bad idea. Everyone brought new flowers. We made it to the monument about noon, set the flowers down, and sat in a large circle in front of the statue.

"Hey guys," Olivia said, "What if we share some memories of Jessie? To, you know, remember her how she was and how she affected our lives?"

"That sounds like a pretty good idea." Petra said from the opposite side.

"Got nothing better to do." Axel commented.

Ruben oinked in agreement. Everyone turned to me, waiting for my response. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Why not?"

Olivia's P.O.V.

Everyone was quiet for a while. Then I spoke up. "Did Jesse ever tell you guys how Axel and I met her?" I looked around. They all shook their heads no, except for Axel.

"Well, let's just say she always had a knack for finding people in trouble." I said smiling. "Axel and I were in the forest at night, trying to find shelter. Suddenly, Axel tripped over a rock sending us both falling in to the open mouth of a cave." I said glaring at Axel. He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck. "Creepers and spiders started crawling twords us and we had nothing to defend ourselves with." I said. Every one listened carefully.

"Bottom line, we thought we were goners!" I said looking at them. "But out of nowhere, this girl shouts from behind us with a wooden sword and a pig! She told us to climb the vines on one side of the cave." The story captivated everyone. "After we made it out we ran after her. She lead us to a dirt hut and gave us food. Soon we decided that we should stick together. We built a tree house the next day and the rest is history!" I said smiling and looking up at the statue.

Petra's P.O.V.

"Olivia's story was pretty good, but Jesse and I met before that." I said to everyone.

"Yea, I always wondered, how long you two have-" Olivia stopped herself "-had known each other?" Olivia asked me, stuttering on her last few words.

"Well I was about eight years old when I first met her, so roughly nine years I think?" I answered. "Anyway, sit back because this is a pretty good story!" I said confidently.

"When I was younger, I wasn't as strong as I am now, and wasn't the most popular person either. I was constantly getting picked on by all the bigger kids. One day they had chased me into an alley way and were about to beat me up, when suddenly another voice sounded from the entrance. 'Hey! Pick on someone your own size!' the voice said. I looked over and saw a scruffy girl about my age, but smaller than me, standing behind the bullies. They laughed for a bit but she stood her ground. 'And what's a little pip squeak like you going to do to stop us?' they asked in a mocking tone. She looked over at me and yelled 'Run!'. So, I ran past the bullies while they were distracted. The small girl and I ran as fast as we could till we ducked behind some bushes. 'I think we lost them' she said out of breath. 'Thanks' I said. 'What's your name?' I asked her. 'My name's Jesse.' She said looking at me. 'I'm Petra' I told her. We smiled at each other. And we've been friends ever since!" I concluded.

"Wait; So you, of all people, were picked on for your size?" Olivia said turning to me.

"Well, I did have a bit of a growth spurt since then." I teased as I flexed my muscles. Olivia smirked and shook her head.

Lukas's P.O.V.

After a while, Olivia looked over at me. "You've been pretty quiet Lukas." Olivia said.

"Oh, I was just listening to the stories. And I didn't know her for very long so I don't really have any stories to share." I said as I looked down.

"But even though you didn't know her for very long, you still had a crush on her." Olivia said smiling at me.

I felt myself start to blush. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" I said stammering.

"Oh, come on! It was pretty obvious that you liked her!" Petra said joining the conversation.

"You guys don't know what you're talking about!" I said as I felt my cheeks get hotter.

"Oh my gosh you guys are right!" Axel exclaimed, "Look how red his face is!"

I was so embarrassed. "Oh hey! Would ya look at the time! I need to go home, have to uh, have to finish my book or something." I said getting up from the others. They waved good bye, still giggling about my blushing.

Authors note: Hey guys! Sorry, this chapter took so long to get out. Thanks for reading though! It means a lot that there are people who would be interested in reading my stuff. So just, thank you!

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