Chapter 6: Under Attack!

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Jesse's P.O.V.

It had been about three months since I first came into town. I built my own house near the edge. It was quiet there, nice neighbors. I started meeting more people around town and even making a few friends. I also started to learn how to make my own potions of invisibility.

Every day I would go to listen to Lukas talk to the statue. He would talk about what he had for breakfast, new designs for a house, how the order was getting along, and other random things. And I would just sit there and listen. I always had a potion of invisibility just in case I need a quick escape.

Occasionally the new order would patrol near my house and I would see them. Most of the time it was Petra, but sometimes it was one of the others. I never actually talked to them.

I was walking around one night when I saw a crowd of people running twords me. I jumped out of the way and yelled, "What is going on?!"

One of the people saw me and screamed, "RUNFORYOURLIIIIIIFFFFE!" and they turned and ran the other way, following the crowd of people.

I could hardly make out what they said. But I got the message as soon as I saw a horde of zombies limping from the direction they were running.

I pulled out my sword, ready to fight. Suddenly I heard a scream, it sounded familiar. I ran twords the scream hoping to make it there in time.

Petra's P.O.V.

"Ivor I swear I'm going to strangle you as soon as we make it out of this mess!" I yelled as I backed up against Lukas and Olivia.

"I didn't know the super spawner would create this many!" Ivor grumbled hiding behind Axel.

"Well for one thing, it's literally called a SUPER spawner!" Olivia yelled at him.

"Would you quite making things that kill people?!" I added as I sliced through a zombie.

"Well, anyone have any bright ideas to get out of this one?" Lukas asked as he made another zombie disappear in a puff of smoke.

"What if we lea- AAAHHHH!" Oliva was cut short as a zombie knocked her to the ground. Her sword was kicked far out of reach by the zombies. I saw her and started to run over to her.

"Hold on!" I said fighting my way through the zombies. We were now surrounded. I couldn't make it through the mass of them. I watched in horror as the zombie went in for the final blow.

Suddenly, a sword flew through the air and sliced through the zombie's head. I couldn't make out the figure, but I could see someone there helping Olivia. I hoped they were on our side because we had enough problems as is.

We fought off the zombies for a little longer, until we were all back together. I finally saw the person who helped Olivia. They had an Enderman mask on.

"What in the world is happening?" the person in the mask asked.

"Well long story short, this idiot thought it would be a good idea to create a spawner that could summon millions of zombies with a single push of a button." I said glaring at Ivor. A zombie came up behind Lukas but Olivia was quicker and slashed through it.

"My work is just unappreciated in its time!" he said defensively.

"So, does it keep spawning or does it only work if you push it?" the stranger asked Ivor as they killed another zombie approaching the group.

"It will only spawn zombies when I push the button, yeesh!" he grumbled. The person in the mask seemed a bit relived at that statement.

"You never told us your name." I asked as I killed a zombie that was coming up behind Axel.

"Jennifer's the name." she said. She ran behind me and killed a zombie I didn't see coming.

"Hey wait a second," I started to piece together, "You're that one person from the memorial a few months ago!"

"That would be me, but let's talk later and focus on getting rid of these zombies." Jennifer said.

"Sounds good to me!" Lukas said chopping another zombie in half.

"So, here's my plan," Jennifer started. "We get the zombies to follow us to the edge of town. I know where a pit of lava is there. We can lead them straight into the lava!" she said fighting off more zombies.

"Ok! I hope this works!" I said as I followed her lead.

We lead the zombies to the edge of the town. Sure enough, there was a giant lava pit. We really need to make this town safer.

We ran right up to the edge and jumped out of the way last minute. We watched as almost all the zombies walked right into the lava. There were then only about 10 of them left. We took care of those easily.

"HA! I told you! Long live lava!" Ivor said as he jumped up and down.

"Wow, I can't believe that actually worked." Olivia said turning to Jennifer.

"I'm glad it did!" she said looking back at her.

"Hey thanks for helping us back there." I added as she turned to look at me.

"No problem," she said, "If you ever need me, I live near the end of town in the yellow house." Then she gave a small salute and ran away.

We watched her disappear. I looked up at everyone else and broke the silence. "Let's just go get some sleep. And Ivor," I said turning to him, "Make sure that this never happens again."

He grumbled something and went home. The rest of us walked home. When we got there, Ruben greeted us and we all went to our respective rooms.

Jesse's P.O.V.

I thought about what had just happened. It felt really good to fight alongside my friends again. I made it back to my little house and went right to sleep. I hope I will get to fight with them again soon.

Authors Note: Hey guys. Thanks for all the support you have been giving this story, it really means a lot! Can you guess what will happen next? Comment if you think you know!


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