Chapter 10: The Game is On

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Jesse's P.O.V.

After some past experiences, I really don't like the feeling of falling. When I went through the portal, I was in a free fall. I was getting closer and closer to the ground. Suddenly, I completely stopped falling. I was hovering inches from the ground for a second until I fell just a bit.

"What in the-" I started to say, but was cut short by the screaming of my friends. Ruben was first, then Olivia, then Axel on top of Lukas, and finally Petra. They all stopped a few inches before hitting the ground like me.

"Would you please stop doing that!" Lukas yelled from under Axel.

"Ha! Never gets old!" Axel said as he got off Lukas. Lukas gave him an angry glair as he got up.

I laughed a bit, thinking about how Axel would always fall on top of Lukas. I looked around and stopped laughing. It looked, normal. It looked just like a regular forest, but it didn't feel right. Everyone else started to notice our new surroundings as well.

"Are we home?" Axel asked.

"I don't think so..." Olivia trailed off, looking closer at a tree.

Suddenly a loud voice sounded in all our ears, "Greetings travelers! I see you are not from around here!"

We all jumped back, startled. "Who are you?" I was the first to speak.

"You will find out in time. But first, we are going to play a little game..." the voice said

"What kind of 'game'?" Lukas asked.

"How about, I just give you round one?" said the voice.

Suddenly, from behind the trees came hundreds of mobs. Skeletons, zombies, creepers, spiders, and more all started to crawl towards us.

"Let me introduce you," the voice mocked, "This is every single regular mob the old Order ever glitched out of existence. And look, they're all gathered in one place for you. Have fun!" the voice laughed as it left us to the mercy of the mobs.

"So, what's the plan?" Olivia asked Petra.

"We may have to fight our way out of this one!" Petra said reaching for her sword, but she didn't pull it out.

"W-what?!" she said panicked, "Where's my sword?!"

"Oh, you didn't think I would make it that easy for you?" the voice said.

We all tried to reach for our weapons, but to no avail. Whatever had happened had stripped us of our weapons, but thankfully left our armor.

"Now what?" Olivia asked.

"Guys I have an idea so crazy, it just might work." Axel said.

"I'm up for anything right about now." I said backing up against my friends as the mobs started to close in.

"He can't take away my weapon, because I punch!" Axel explained, "So I'll try to punch them out of the way and you can follow close behind me 'till we can escape!"

"That might actually work." Lukas said. "Lead the way, but do it quick!" We all nodded and followed closely behind Axel as he pushed mobs out of the way. We made it out of the swarm of mobs and ran. We were finally a safe distance away.

"That was a little too close for comfort." I said.

"Yea," Said Lukas.

"Ok guys quick, let's get some wood and try to build some swords." Petra said. We all agreed and quickly ran off to get as much wood as we needed.

We met back up and Petra built a crafting table. We all got about three wooden swords each, except Axel, and got ready to fight off some mobs. Lukas and Olivia had some string and arrows from the previous mobs, so they made some bows as well. We started walking back to fight them off.

When we got there, the voice sounded as we started the battle.

"I see you have something to defend yourselves with this time..." the voice said as we fought for our lives.

I cut through some zombies when I heard Lukas shout, "DUCK!" I did and I turned around to see an arrow kill a creeper that was coming up behind me. I thanked him and kept fighting. Ducking under two Endermen I sliced through both, breaking my first sword. I pulled out my other one and kept going.

After about an hour, I cut through the last mob breaking my third sword.

"Congratulations, you made it past my first test." Said the voice. "Here, take these as a reward." Suddenly, all our weapons appeared in front of us.

We all grabbed our weapons, then the voice continued, "You have made it to round two," the voice said. Suddenly there was a piston noise and a gravel path appeared in front of us, leading through the woods. "Proceed with the path to continue to the next game..."

"Are we going to keep playing on with this voice's 'little game'?" Lukas whispered loudly so only we could hear.

"I think it would smite us if we didn't." Petra whispered.

"Good point." Olivia said. We all nodded.

"Well, let's follow the yellow brick road, shall we?" I joked as we started to walk.

"This is gravel, not yellow brick." Axel said.

"Dude, it's a reference," I said looking at him.

"What?" he gave me a confused look.

"Never mind." I gave up trying to explain.

We walked for a bit before Lukas spoke up, "You have to admit though, we were pretty awesome taking on all those mobs with just wooden swords and bows."

"Heck yea we were!" Petra said, fist pumping the air. Soon we were all laughing and talking about all about how we had won the first challenge and guessing what the next one was going to be.

????? P.O.V.

I watched them walking to my next game on my monitor screen. They were laughing about their victory. I smiled.

"That's right, laugh now." I said to myself, "The next challenge won't be so easy."

Authors note: Hey guys hope you enjoyed! This is where the real adventure begins. I know you are all dying to see the "big reveal" but we must have some adventure first! Hang in there! I promise it will happen! As for the meantime, I know you guys are going to ask me this so let's just get this out of the way: THE MYSTERIOUS VOICE IS ____________! Keep guessing! Also, thanks for reading this story! It really means a lot!

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