Chapter 13: The End

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Jesse's P.O.V.

My feet made contact with the obsidian platform shortly after I jumped through the portal. I looked around me to see everyone else spawning next to me. We looked around, there were no Endermen. Once everyone was here Olivia spoke up.

"So where do you guys think the-" She started, quickly being cut off by a deep roar.

I looked up to see burning purple eyes locked onto me. They belonged to a giant black monster with wings the size of a villager's house, and purple smoke falling from its mouth. It started to fly towards us in a dive. But everyone else was to dazed to notice.

"Snap out of it!" I yelled, getting their attention. "RUN!" They finally realized what was happening and got out of the way just in time. The dragon growled, turning back into the sky.

"Ok, we need a better plan than just waiting here like sitting ducks." Lukas said.

"I agree with that," I said, "Here's what I'm thinking. We take it down like the Old Order said they did." They all nodded as I continued. "We know that the End Crystals heal it, so we need to destroy them. Lukas and Olivia, use your bows to take them out." They nodded at me while they got their bows out.

"Axel, I need you to create a distraction to lure the Ender Dragon away from them." I said turning to him.

"This is going to be sweet!" he said, getting out a bunch of TNT.

"And Petra," I said looking to her, ''We need to take any shot at that dragon if it gets close enough to the ground."

"Sounds good." She said drawing her sword.

"Ok everyone, GO!" I shouted, drawing my own sword.

Lukas and Olivia split up, running to different sides of the island, shooting at the crystals. Axel set up random TNT patches and blew them up. The Dragon kept swooping to the ground, after the explosions. Petra and I took the advantage of the dragon being close to the ground to get a few good hits on it.

"That's the last one!" Lukas shouted as he destroyed the final End Crystal.

"I got this!" Olivia shouted, building a massive wall of dispensers filled with arrows. She activated it, damaging the dragon badly.

"Try this on for size, fire breath!" Axel yelled as he blew up a bunch of TNT in the dragon's face. It roared in outrage as it dove in for another attack.

"Oh no you don't!" Lukas said, pelting it with arrows. The dragon kept advancing, arrows now sticking out of it.

"Take this, you useless reptile!" Petra yelled, charging at it with her sword drawn. She slashed it across the face, causing it to roar in outrage before flying higher into the sky. It only needed one more hit.

"Lukas!" I yelled at him.

"Yes?" he asked looking over at me.

"Do you still have all that dirt?" I asked.

"Yes, I do. Do you need it?" he said getting it out.

"You know it!" I said grabbing it out of his hand.

I ran as fast as I could towards one of the obsidian pillars. Stacking the dirt quickly alongside it, I was soon on top of it. Once at the top I called for the dragon.

"TAKE ME ON YOU SCALY JERK!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. The dragon heard. It turned and started to fly directly at me. As soon as it was close enough, I gave a running start and jumped right onto it's back.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" I shouted as I stabbed my sword right into its head. It gave a weak roar as it fell into the ground. As soon as it made contact, it exploded into a million pieces of experience.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Axel said as he ran towards me.

"I can't believe we just did that!" Petra said high-fiving Olivia.

"I know, right?!" She said excitedly.

"We lived!" Lukas shouted happily in the background. We all laughed as he ran over to join us. After an exchange of high-fives, we heard an all too familiar voice.

"Well, well, well." The voice echoed through the empty End. "Guess you made it out alive. Well, I guess you deserve your prize."

Suddenly, the End around us melted into a new setting. It was an arena of sorts, made completely out of nether brick. We all got closer together getting out our weapons. On the other side stood a figure in deep blue pants with a turquoise shirt and brown hair. His back was turned from us.

"This is the moment I've been waiting for, for a very long time." He said with his back still turned. "Now I present to you your prize, the honor of fighting me."

He turned around to reveal his burning white eyes. We all gasped.

"Hello," The man said, "My name, is Herobrine."

Authors note...Herobrine's Warning: They believe they can win. And that's what you think too, huh? Well I'm afraid Jesse's little secret won't stay secret for very much longer. I have put them to the test, and they seem worthy to fight, but they won't win. What? You still think they will win? Ha! Don't make me laugh. Once I get out of this wretched place, I will be the only one laughing.

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