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Hey guys, Silver here! So, the votes are in. And the results are, drum roll please...

A: 5

B: 11

C: 20

Well it looks like C is the winner! But there has been a slight change. In my attempts to write C, I couldn't help but drift towards the idea of a revolution. So I came up with the idea of merging both plots of B and C in the plot of the Sequel. I've started outlining, and now that Marching Band season is over, I have a lot more time to write it! So this is the final chapter update of A Second Chance, but keep a look out for the Sequel, Viva La Revolution! Don't worry about the title C voters, there will still be a giant battle of the worlds. And for all you readers who voted A, sometime in the future I may do that. Well, I'll see you in the next book!

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