Chapter 4: To the Fallen Hero

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Lukas's P.O.V.

When I got home I sat on my bed and looked over at my desk. I saw my diary sitting there. A bit dusty, because I hadn't written in it since Jesse died. Any free time I had I would just go visit Jesse's monument. I picked it up and looked to my last entry:

Dear diary,

We have been to hell and back, literally! A guy named Ivor spawned a creature called the wither storm that could only be defeated by an enchanted weapon to the heart. It has been a crazy adventure trying to find a way to kill it. But thankfully we have Jesse here with us, we would honestly all be lost without her.

I teared up a little bit at the mention of Jesse.

I always felt bad about the way Aiden and the other Ocelots always treated Jesse. I had always wanted to get to know her more, but the other Ocelots would have teased me about trying to hang out with her. But after this whole ordeal is done, I hope I will get the chance to talk to her more. I think I have a crush. Until then I need to find the book to enchant the weapon instead of just sitting here in the library.


I read the last bit. If only I had known that was our last adventure. Would I have told her I liked her? Or would I have still been to afraid? I walked over to my bed and fell on top of it. Digging my face into the pillows I started to cry, thinking about what might have been...

Jesse's P.O.V.

I have been traveling the lands for nearly a month now, just trying to get back to my friends. I stopped in villages and towns to rest along the way. Whenever I stopped I would ask about the Oder, they would tell me about how my friends had become the new order of the stone.

I was shocked to hear this, but happy for my friends. I wonder who took over leading with me being out of the picture. My guess would be Petra, she was a pretty good fighter and someone who could make the right calls under pressure when need be.

At one of the towns I found an Enderman mask. I could use this so my friends wouldn't think it was me.

At every town, I would ask where they were. And, as it turned out, they weren't that much farther away! I was so excited to see my friends, even if they didn't know it was me. All I wanted was to see them safe and just to hear their voices after so long.

-Time skip-

I road into town on my horse and asked someone walking by where the new order was.

"Hey! You came at the right time! The new Order is having a town meeting for the fallen hero!" he said looking at me.

"The fallen hero?" I asked.

"Yeesh! Where have you been!" he rolled his eyes, "Jesse! The one that gave her life to save us all from the wither storm!" He answered. "Well the meeting's about to start, you better hurry!" he said as he ran off twords the temple.

I started into a light jog in the direction he went. I saw a crowd of people gathered around a stage in front of the new Order's temple. I watched as the crowd cheered when Petra, Lukas, Axel, and Olivia walked onto the stage. Ruben closely followed them. I smiled at the sight of them.

"Thank you for coming out here today to honor the fallen hero, Jesse." Petra addressed the crowd. "This first year without Jesse has been difficult. Not only in hero's eyes, but in her friend's eyes as well." She continued, "We will be going to the monument to pay our respects to the hero. Anyone else who wishes to do so may come." Petra concluded.

Wait, they built me a monument?! I thought in shock as they walked off the stage. The new Order started twords the monument. The crowd shuffled, following the order. I followed along too, I wanted to see the monument.

When we finally got to it, I looked at a giant statue of me. I was posed in a fighting position with a model of my Diamond sword in my right hand. It was very impressive.

I looked down to see that everyone was placing flowers at the base of the statue. I saw my friends standing near it. A few people would approach them, give them their apologies, and walk away. This was my chance to say something to them!

I walked over to them. They all were looking down, not talking. When I walked up Axel and Petra looked up to see me.

"Hey cool mask, dude!" Axel said as I walked up.

"Thanks." I said. He looked at me in confusion as did a couple of the others. They recognized my voice. I faked a cough, "I mean, thanks." I said in a lower, raspy voice. Thankfully they bought it. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss." I said in my fake voice.

"Thank you." Said Petra looking at me strangely. "I haven't seen you around here, are you new?" she asked.

Shoot! She was on to me. "Um, no." I said. I thought on me feet quickly. "I was a big fan of the fallen hero and though I would pay my respects." I lied.

She looked at me one more time. "Well, that's very kind of you to do so." She said at last.

I turned and walked away. Once I was a good distance away, I let out a sigh of relief. I felt tears start to form in my eyes as I walked away. But I wasn't done here, they're going to see me more often.

Petra's P.O.V.

I thought about that person with the Enderman mask. When they said thank you after Axel had complemented their mask, it almost sounded like Jesse. But it was obviously not her. It was probably just my imagination.

But I hadn't ever seen anyone with an Enderman mask here before. They said they were visiting the monument because they were a fan, but I don't buy it. I'll be keeping a close eye on them if they stick around.

Author's note: Hey guys. We hit 100 views! Thank you all so much for wanting to read this! It means a lot. More chapters on the way, promise!

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